Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Please watch the following Ted Talk in its entirety:

    Then answer the following questions with a paragraph(4-5 sentences) each:

    1. How does loneliness play a part in your life, and if it does what are some of the warning signs that you have been ignoring?

    2. Our bodies are constantly trying to make us aware of what is going on with our feelings. Give some examples of feelings that you have assumed are being caused by something on the outside that actually have been caused by you.

    3 It’s one thing to be able to recognize your own loneliness and have enough courage to be vulnerable about it with others, but once you’ve been able to find a solution for your own problems what can you do in order to help the people around you? Can you have compassion for people who are going through troubles you have gone through yourself?

    4. What steps are you taking in order to connect with your loved ones, friends, and humanity at large in order to make this world a better place than when you found it?

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