antitrust legal case

    antitrust legal case

    You will need to select an antitrust legal case centered around an industry of your own choice and discuss it.
    For the final case study in this course, choose an antitrust case that was adjudicated any
    time between 1990 and the present. I recommend two sources for identifying possible
    cases of interest. The first is The Antitrust Case Browser web site
    (, hosted by Professor Anthony
    Becker of St. Olaf College. This web site lists antitrust cases by legal area, by product,
    and by date. You will find a variety of cases listed here through the early 2000s. For
    more recent antitrust cases, I recommend consulting The BNA (Bureau of National
    Affairs) Antitrust & Trade Regulation Report. This is a non-circulating reference that
    you can find at the Suffolk Law Library; the call number is KF1645.N87.
    Once you have identified the industry involved in your case study, I encourage you to
    read a current periodical that provides careful industry and policy analyses, on a regular
    basis throughout the semester. Doing so will help you understand the nature of
    competition in the industry you are studying and will help inform your analysis of your
    case. Periodicals that you might find of particular value include The Economist, The Wall
    Street Journal, and The New York Times. There are many other sources of information
    on current events in various industries and policy settings, so please feel free to consult
    other sources as you prepare your final case study.
    The grade on your final case study will be based on the quality of the final paper, in
    addition to the quality and timely completion of the intermediate assignments detailed
    Case Study Topic Proposal (Submit Two Copies)
    Due: Wednesday, February 27th.
    Proposal Length: Up to two pages.
    In your topic proposal, you will identify the case you have chosen to study. Your
    proposal should include a brief summary of the facts of the case, an overview of the main
    economic and legal principles involved in the case, and a brief summary of your initial
    view on the final decision for the case. You are required to submit two hard copies of
    your proposal. I will review your proposal, as will one of your classmates, as described
    Peer Review (Submit Two Copies)
    Due: Wednesday, March 20th.
    Peer Review Length: Up to two pages.
    After I receive the case study topic proposals, I will group proposals together that cover
    common topics. During this process, I will assign each student a proposal to review that
    is related to their own proposal. On Wednesday, March 6th, I will distribute one proposal
    to each student for review. Read through the proposal that you have received, and
    prepare a written review for the author. In your peer review, you should summarize the
    main facts of the case and the key points raised in the author’s position on the case. You
    should identify strengths of the author’s position and also offer suggestions, including
    possible alternative approaches or extensions to their initial analysis. You should submit
    one copy of your review to the author, and one to me, on the due date.
    Classroom Peer-Review Session, Attendance Required: Wednesday, March 20th.
    On March 20th, students will be assigned to groups of approximately 3-5 students, based
    on the proposed case study topics. Each group will engage in a discussion session during
    the allotted class time. During the discussion period, each student will informally
    summarize to the group the facts of his or her case, along with the main economic and
    legal principles involved, and present a brief summary of their analysis of the case. After
    each student has presented his or her topic to their group members, the group will engage
    in a discussion of each group member’s case. Each group should organize the available
    time such that each student’s topic receives a fair share of the discussion time.
    Final Case Study
    Due: Wednesday, April 17th.
    Case Study Length: Up to ten pages, including tables, diagrams, and references.
    In your final case study, you will present an overview of the case you have studied, along
    with your own analysis of the case. I recommend that you organize your case study
    following the format below, using the indicated section headers in your paper; however,
    you may choose to organize your case study with an alternative format if it better suits
    your analysis.
    • Introduction. Provide an overview of the main facts of your case study, the key
    economic and legal principles involved, and the decision on the case.
    • Case Study Facts and Background. Present the facts of the case in detail. In
    addition, supplement the discussion of the facts with historical and institutional
    background on the industry involved in the case. The purpose of this section is to
    provide a detailed context for the arguments that follow.
    • Plaintiff’s Arguments. Identify the main arguments presented by the plaintiffs in
    the case. Be sure to discuss these arguments in detail, using appropriate economic
    and legal terminology and, where relevant, graphical analysis to illustrate the
    economic and legal principles involved.
    • Defendant’s Arguments. Identify the main arguments presented by the
    defendant, following the guidelines above for presenting the plaintiff’s arguments.
    • Final Decision. Present the Court’s decision, and the rationale, in detail.
    • Analysis and Critique. In the final section of the paper, choose a position (for or
    against the decision) and present your arguments, with supporting discussion and
    • Summary and Conclusions.
    • References (see below).
    • Diagrams and Tables (labeled clearly).




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