Antidepressants: summarize the major reasons that have been proposed for the dramatic drop in crime that we have seen in the last 20 years (incarceration, the economy, abortion, lead poisoning, antidepressants)

    For this first writing assignment you are asked to summarize the major reasons that have been proposed for the dramatic drop in crime that we have seen in the last 20 years (incarceration, the economy, abortion, lead poisoning, antidepressants). After briefly describing the major reasons that have been put forward by scholars in the area, chose one which you find the most/least compelling and describe at least one empirical test on that idea in some detail. Conclude with a section which argues why you believe this factor has played a large role in the decline in crime using evidence from your readings to support your position.
    In 3-4 double-spaced pages, you should:
     Summarize the major reasons that have been proposed.
     Discuss one factor in greater detail, including the specifics of an empirical test which has been conducted. Note: This should be an additional empirical article of your choosing (not one of the ones assigned for class).
    o Discuss the data and methods used to test this idea.
    o Discuss the author’s findings.
     Argue for the legitimacy of this factor in relation to the crime drop.
    Assignments should be written in the third person and should use the active rather than passive voice. A reference section should be included. All writing should be in 12pt font with standard 1” margins around the edge of the paper. Content is more important than length, so don’t cheat yourself by using weird fonts and/or spacing.

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