This project and paper assignment consists of three components:
    (1) Typed research paper
    (2) Typed ethogram
    (3) Ticket or receipt from Santa Ana Zoo, LA Zoo, San Diego Zoo (or Gibbon Conservation Center) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
    ! For this assignment, you must visit a local zoo to observe one individual primate for twenty (20) minutes, and create an ethogram in accordance with the instructions provided. You will also need to collect some additional information at the zoo, as well as conduct some research about the primate species you observed and include all the required information in your research paper.
    ! Your documents must be submitted to before the deadline indicated in the syllabus. No hard copy project papers or ethograms will be accepted. You must submit all required documents to by the deadline indicated in the syllabus in order to receive full credit for this assignment. If you are unable to scan your ticket/receipt, you must hand it in (with your first and last name clearly written on it) by the deadline indicated in the syllabus. Do NOT lose your zoo ticket/receipt! If you fail to submit your ticket/receipt (scanned with other documents and submitted via by the deadline, or handed in with your name clearly written on it by the deadline) you will lose points.
    ! Do not wait until the submission due date to submit your documents to in case you encounter any problems and need to seek assistance! Do not submit your documents too close to the deadline. You should allow at least a half-hour for your submission to completely upload. It is highly recommended that you submit your documents well in advance of the due date so you can check your own work for plagiarism. You can resubmit your documentation prior to the deadline. If you resubmit your documents prior to the deadline, be sure to resubmit all documentation in its entirety, as a resubmission will completely replace any previous submission.
    ! Cover sheets and/or report covers are optional, not required.
    ! Don’t plagiarize! (i.e., Do NOT copy information verbatim from anywhere – including zoo pamphlets or exhibit signs, the Internet, articles, or other papers). If you are unsure how to paraphrase properly or how to re- write any information in your own words, you must seek assistance from a writing tutor on campus.
    For your nonhuman primate observation project, you must visit (this semester) any one of the following zoos: San Diego Zoo, Santa Ana Zoo, or Los Angeles Zoo – or – as an additional option, you may attend a tour of the Gibbon Conservation Center (“GCC”) in Santa Clarita, California.
    You MUST obtain a ticket or receipt from the zoo you visited (or you must sign in at GCC and request a receipt). Do NOT lose your ticket/receipt! Failure to submit a ticket or receipt will result in a loss of points! If you visited a zoo or GCC for another instructor during another semester, you must revisit one of the facilities this semester in order to complete this assignment satisfactorily. If you have a similar assignment for another instructor this semester, you can make one visit to a zoo or GCC in order to complete your research for both classes. You must follow the instructions for my assignment accurately in order to receive full credit for this assignment. If you work on a similar project/paper for another class, your assignment for this class must be original, and in accordance with the instructions provided herein. Do not submit the exact same paper for both classes.
    Your research paper must be typed: double-spaced, with a font size no larger than 12 (a cover page is optional).
    Your research paper must contain all of the following information (written in your own words) in the following order:
    1ST PARAGRAPH: (collect this information while at the zoo)
    C Date and place you conducted your research for your project/paper. C At the zoo: How did you obtain your information – tour guide, keeper, or from reading exhibit information?
    (If you went to GCC – Who was your tour guide? How else did you obtain information?) C What types primates does the facility have?
    “At the zoo: What types of primates do they have at that particular facility (prosimians, Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, great apes, and/or small apes)? ***Don’t list all species, just the categories.***
    ” If at GCC: How many gibbons do they have total, and how many different species? List the common and scientific names of the different species.
    ” While at the zoo, choose one primate species and one individual to focus on, and provide both common name(s) and (properly formatted) scientific name of the species you have chosen to study.
    ” Is the individual you observed an adult male, adult female, juvenile male, or juvenile female? (If you can’t tell, seek assistance from zoo personnel. (If you are provided with the individual’s name, you can include it.)
    ” How many individuals are housed in the enclosure? ” Describe the enclosure. (Include average dimensions and a detailed description of the interior.) ” What types of locomotion did you witness? (You must use proper terminology.) ” What distinguishing physical characteristics did you notice? ” Describe any interesting or unusual behaviors that you observed. (If none, indicate so.) ” What types of enrichment did you observe? (If you are unsure, inquire with zoo personnel.) ” What did you learn about your primate (or other prosimians/monkeys/apes) as a result of your visit?
    2nd PARAGRAPH:
    ” Restate both the common name(s) and (properly formatted) scientific name of the primate species you observed at the zoo or at GCC. Example: “My primate observation focused on an individual male lar gibbon (Hylobates lar).” (State something to this effect in your own words.)
    ” Is this species a prosimian, Old World monkey, New World monkey, great ape, or small ape?
    ” List the taxonomic information for your species. Include ONLY the following and list in this order: Kingdom:
    Phylum: Class: Order: Family:
    Genus: (In proper scientific format) Species: (in proper scientific format)
    ” For information on how to write scientific names, please see:
    ” List any subspecies including both common name(s) and (properly formatted) scientific name(s). *If there are no subspecies, indicate so.
    ” List all other species in the same genus including both common name(s) and properly formatted scientific name(s). *If there are no other species in the genus, indicate so.
    ” Discuss the anatomy/morphology (physical features) of the species you chose to focus on. You must indicate if there is sexual dimorphism and/or sexual dichromatism in this species. *If there is no sexual dimorphism or no sexual dichromatism, indicate so. Your description must include information for both adult males and adult females (average heights, weights, body lengths, body types/features, pelage, etc.).
    ” What is the primary method of locomotion for this primate species? Discuss using proper terminology. Is this species primarily arboreal or terrestrial – or both?
    3rd PARAGRAPH:
    ” What is the natural habitat of this species? Include the type of habitat(s) and specific geographic location(s).
    ” What is the primary diet of this species? Discuss using proper terminology (e.g., omnivore, gumivore, herbivore, insectivore, carnivore), include the types of foods that comprise the primary diet, and also other foods they might eat.
    ” Discuss the social structure and type of social organization for this species, using proper terminology. Include the average number of individuals in a social group, and indicate if there is male dominance, female dominance, neither, or both.
    ” Discuss and describe the type of vocalizations this species of primate makes.
    ” Discuss a distinguishing feature or interesting fact about the primate species.
    ” What is the conservation status of your primate according to IUCN? This information must only come from the IUCN website. Do not rely on the IUCN information from any other websites, as they may not regularly check for updated status. Go to the IUCN Red List at: and enter the common or scientific name of the primate in the search box. If you have trouble locating the information after searching both common and scientific names, ask the instructor for help. You must include the in-text citation: (IUCN, 2014) and your reference list (bibliography) must include your IUCN reference (e.g., The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. . Downloaded on 11 September 2014.) *** You will find the citation at the bottom of the web page. ***
    ” What is the conservation status of your primate according to CITES? You must list if your primate appears on Appendix I, II, or III, and the initial date listed. This information must only come from the CITES website. Do not rely on the CITES information from any other websites, as they may not regularly check for updated status. Go to the CITES-listed species database at: and enter the common or scientific name of the primate in the search box. When the primate name comes up, look under “Cites Listing” for the Appendix and the Date. If you have trouble locating the information after searching both common and scientific names, ask the instructor for help. You must include the in-text citation: (CITES, 2014) and your reference list (bibliography) must include your CITES reference (e.g., CITES-listed species database . Downloaded on 11 September 2014.)
    4th PARAGRAPH:
    Write a brief discussion (in your own words) of the information you read about in article that you looked up about your primate species. Do NOT copy and paste the abstract! You should look up an article about your primate via the campus library. You can use the American Journal of Primatology or Folia Primatologica. If you have trouble finding an article about your primate, you should seek assistance from a campus librarian.

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