
    The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.

    Indigenous Peoples are the oldest living cultures in the world. They represent 300-500 hundred million people live today in over 72 countries around the world. Tthey also encompass as many as 5,000 distinct cultures. Their way of life, identity, and existence is threatened due to continued effects of colonization, which began during the exploration of Europeans in the 1400s. Many times indigenous people are forced to assimilate into the cultures of those who invade them.

    Around the world, Indigenous Peoples make-up the major categories of the poor and disadvantage. According to World Council of Churches, “In most indigenous communities people live in poverty without clean water and necessary infrastructure, lacking adequate health care, education, employment and housing. Many indigenous communities still suffer the effects of dispossession, forced removals from homelands and families, inter-generational trauma and racism, the effects of which are manifested in social welfare issues such as alcohol and drug problems, violence and social breakdown. Basic health outcomes dramatize the disparity in well-being between Indigenous Peoples and European descendants.” (WCC Executive Committee, 2012)


    (WCC Executive Committee. (2012, Feburary 17). Statement on the doctrine of discovery and its enduring impact on indigenous peoples. Retrieved from

    Initial Post: Write 100 words within the Discussion Board responding to the following questions. Create a substantive and clear post expression your research, thoughts, and ideas:

    · Choose a specific group of indigenous people and briefly describe their culture prior to the arrival of the Europeans and how their culture changed after contact with Europeans.

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