Annotated Outline of Corporate Governance research Custom Essay

    Annotated Outline of Corporate Governance research (attached project proposal)

    In your Final Project for this module you will be submitting a detailed Report comparing the approaches to

    corporate governance adopted by two well-known multinational organisations in different industries. The Report

    should include a review of relevant primary and secondary sources and contain a detailed analysis of current

    corporate governance approaches.

    For your Individual Project this week, submit an Annotated Outline of your research sources. Your outline should

    be between 500 and 1,000 words and include the following elements:

    � Headings
    � Subheadings
    � Annotation of content
    � List of corporate governance codes to benchmark your research
    � Resource explanation with supporting arguments
    � Be sure to address all Project elements listed in the attached Project Proposal submitted earlier to the


    Information about various corporate governance codes can be found in Chapter 3 of Mallin. Links where you can

    download governance codes include, the Web site of the European Corporate Governance Institute, and, the OECD Web site, which includes the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.

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