annotated bibliography

    Each student will be required to write an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography will consist of three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles from online library academic databases. Students must find articles in peer reviewed sources including ProQuest, Sage Criminology, and EBSCOHost …. etc. The articles must be related to this class or to criminal justice in general in one form or the other. Please see the syllabus for a list of issues covered in this class but remember your article can also relate to any issue in criminal justice. You can extend the list or interpret the list liberally in choosing articles for your annotated bibliography.

    Simply put, an annotated bibliography is a list of references. Each reference is followed by a brief (at least 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. Your work should summarize, evaluate, and analyze the article. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

    Please write out the name of the article and the author … and then write your annotation under it. Then repeat for the other two annotated bibliographies.

    Topics we’ve talked about this semester:
    What is Deviant Behavior?
    Perspectives and Theories of deviant behavior (Positivist Theories; Constructionist Theories)
    Interpersonal Violence (Physical violence; Rape and Child Molestation; Family Violence)
    Self-Destructive Deviance (Suicide; Mental Disorder)
    Diverse Lifestyles (Heterosexual Deviance; Gays and Other Targets of Stigma)
    Substance Use and Abuse (Drug Use; Drinking and Alcoholism)
    Inequality in Deviance (Privileged Deviance; Under-privileged Deviance)
    Deviance and Cyberspace (Internet Deviance)

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