Annotated Bibliography 10 References

    Annotated Bibliography 10 References
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    For the major project in this class, you are required to turn in an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY which consists of 10 annotated citations based upon a subject relevant to theories of crime that is of interest to you. It must be from current sources – of this century and preferably updates any research in your textbook. See this exercise as updating the information in the book which is now 5 years old. Choose something with which you have a passionate interest.

    SOURCES: Although an annotated bibliography ordinarily can include books and varied other sources you are LIMITED to using scholarly journal articles and major academic research /policy reports available online through the electronic data bases at Grambling State University. (See Remote Access Flyer in Resources, posted on Moodle, in the introduction section on your home page. Also see Remote Access Directions & Guide for Scholarly articles to help with this assignment.

    In some instances you may use a non-academic article when it has the essential information you want to use in your work. I remember reading an article in an airline magazine that prompted my interest in community service sentencing and I used that article as one of the references for a research paper. Although you may use more non-scholarly citations if you want, no more than two (2) non-academic references count for the ten (10 total) citations Non-academic references include but are not limited to news magazines, newspapers, popular magazines, and relevant governmental statistical reports (Victimology and Corrections) located at Bureau of Justice Statistics Website at (Click on the corrections and/or victims tabs on the left for a number of different sub categories in areas relevant to this course). You may have to dig to find the information about women in these reports. Clearly, statistical reports such as these usually supply only statistics and raw data, not analyses of problems and issues. They can form the bases for pursuing some problems and issues in women and the justice system, however they must not constitute more than two references in the annotated bibliography.

    SCHOLARLY/ACADEMIC ARTICLES: In general, scholarly articles include a substantial list of references or a long bibliography at the end of the article, footnotes, and a long boring title. (See documents I’ve posted as noted above to help you with recognizing and accessing scholarly articles.). Proquest electronic data base on the remote access flyer has a selection tab that allows you to limit your search to academic full-text articles. Obviously since this is an on-line course your searches for scholarly articles are limited to what you can access through the Electronic Data Bases listed on the Remote Access Flyer. The best sources for academic full-text articles include the Ebsco Databases, Jstor, Proquest, and LEXIS-NEXIS. “Academic Full-Text Premier” under Ebsco Database is a good one and allows you to limit your search to full-text and scholarly articles (the whole article). If you are not sure of a reference ask me about it.


    ANNOTATED CITATION EXAMPLE, APA STYLE and more directions as if I didn’t say enough already.

    An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. You are limited to electronic items only – NO BOOKS – I have to be able to locate your source.

    (THIS ASSIGNMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT). Abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in periodical indexes. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author’s point of view, clarity and appropriateness of expression, and authority. (YOU ARE NOT writing an abstract – please note the difference).

    Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. Include one or more sentences that (a) evaluate the authority or background of the author, (b) comment on the intended audience, (c) compare or contrast this work with another you have cited, or (d) explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic. (An annotated bibliography is a list of annotated citations connected by the theme topic you’ve chosen).
    1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style


    b. For each entry, include a 2-3 paragraph summary of the entry’s main points and/or your overall evaluation of the reference. The summary should be in your own words and not simply copied from the entry abstract or some other source; each citation summary should be written in complete sentences, typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins all around, 10-point font (10 entries total

    c. ALL bibliographic entries should be from scholarly journals or book chapters (either online or hard copy; NO WIKIPEDIA CITATIONS).

    d . The 10 entries should generally cover the theories/chapters in the book. In other words, you should not turn in 10 citations on a single theory; with flexibility you can draw from a variety of crime theories. There may be some repetition of content in your choices of chapters/articles, but the purpose is to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the information in the process of answering the weekly discussion questions. It is recommended that you search for articles while reading each chapter week-by-week, and choose references that will add to your knowledge of the theories and aid in answering the discussion questions.

    e. It will be easiest for you to research and choose your entries via electronic searches, but you may also search hard copy sources in a library. I do not need nor want hard copy articles of your sources, but you must supply complete bibliographic citations per a and b above.

    f. The entries should be organized as a list alphabetized by author’s last name per APA Style. The title should read ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES. This annotated bibliography should be typed (double-spaced, one-inch margins all around)
    3. Below are several links to familiarize you with creating and assembling an annotated bibliography:

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