Animal Farm (Lack of Truth

    In a six-paragraph literary essay, explore how Truth functions in the text. You should explore how the absence or perversion of one of these virtues propagates the social injustice the character or characters must confront.

    Paragraph 1:
    -Introduce Truth (don’t give dictionary definition)
    -Introduce arguments
    -Provide thesis

    Paragraph 2: (for Animal Farm, discuss the circumstances leading to the original rebellion)
    Discuss issue of social injustice
    -Explain how the perversion of Truth leads to the social injustice the character or characters face.

    Paragraphs 3: (Please talk about Squealer plus the pigs and Benjamin)
    -Explain how this charism (or the pursuit of it) influences the character or characters’ journey, or;
    -Describe the character or characters’ struggle/journey/growth in terms of seeking to restore or follow the charism, or;
    -Describe how the charism continues to be distorted further and further, and how this leads to the novel’s resolution.

    Paragraph 4: The reason why the characters distort the truth
    Paragraph 5: The effect/ result of the lack of truth.
    Paragraph 6: Conclusion

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