Anglo-Saxon migration/Displacement of Native Britons Paper

    Anglo-Saxon migration/Displacement of Native Britons
    Paper instructions:
    Research Topic:

    Recent scholars have questioned the traditional assumption that “Germanic” barbarians migrated in large numbers to the former Roman provinces of western continental Europe. What about the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain? Are there historical, archaeological, or other types of evidence that invading Anglo-Saxons migrated and displaced native Britons or are there other explanations for how Britain became Anglo-Saxon?

    Write an essay that responds to the research topic (above) using AT LEAST TEN scholarly sources and relevant primary texts from the Early Middle Ages (the writer should be using all sources provided; some sources may be used more heavily than others). The research question will require you to examine primary texts very closely as well as various interpretations by modern scholars OR report more on the debates of modern scholars and their findings, but you should still consider the evidence scholars use.

    It is important that EACH PARAGRAPH HAVE A GOOD TOPIC SENTENCE AND PLENTY OF ENDNOTES (7+ per page). It would be appreciated to place the endnotes in the ‘chat history’ for review when the paper writing is in progress then attach them to the end of the paper when the writing is complete.

    The essay should be thoughtful and persuasively argue the thesis that addresses the assigned question. The information in the essay should be accurate, precise, and relevant. Evidence should be well chosen, clearly explained, and scrupulously documented. The parts of the essay should be well organized, and each paragraph and sentence clearly written in an academic tone.

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