Analyzing Pedagogical Patters

    I am trying to analyze the design of the BLS online course and explore possible impacts of the design on the way health care workers learn BLS knowledge and skills. Among the attached documents you will find the study proposal along with the dissertation contents page and instructions. These will be the main attachments to understand what the study is about and how to complete it systematically. The ideas within are not 100% fixed so feel free to change things if you feel very necessary and beneficial for the end result of the project. Other attachments can be used in the literature review section and the rest of the paper as well. However, feel free to ignore which ever you think is not relevant and of course you will have your own resources. I will also attach results of the questionnaires as they come in over the next couple of weeks or hopefully earlier than that. My deadline to submit the project is on the 2nd of Feb and although this order’s deadline is just one month I’m okay if you need a few more days or so to produce a robust project. Let us please communicate regularly so that i know where you stand and you can ask me any question in case something is not clear or missing from what i have provided. I will be checking my messaging system on daily basis and my phone will be on too in case you or customer support needs to contact me for anything. Also, could you please send me the literature review section separately once completed? I need to communicate it with my supervisor who will be expecting me to submit it so he can follow up with my work.

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