Analyzes the group performance in terms of the group process

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    Assessing Group Diversity, Process, and Conflict Resolution

    During the completion of this group project, you have had the opportunity to interact with students who may be different from you in their work habits and styles. In addition to visible social identity group differences, such as race, and gender, often differences in terms of personality, time management, leadership styles, values, etc. can cause conflict in terms of the quality, satisfaction, and completion of group projects both in classes and in the workplace. Since you are finishing a course on “diversity” management, this is a good time to assess the issues of productivity, individual difference, and conflict resolution in terms learning from this group experience.

    Write a four- to five-page paper that analyzes the group performance in terms of the group process, i.e. how effectively this group worked together. In your paper be sure to answer the following questions but do NOT use any actual names of group members:
    • What were the primary differences in terms of working style that helped or hindered this group from accomplishing their objectives for this project?
    • How did the group effectively or ineffectively deal with these differences?
    • Did someone assume a leadership role? Was the leadership style effective or ineffective? Why?

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    • If there were conflicts or conflict avoidance in this group, apply Parker’s article, “The Emotional Connection of Distinguishing Differences and Conflict” to evaluate the resolution or lack of resolution of the conflicts.
    • In retrospect what could the group have done differently to produce a more effective project? What could the group have done differently to do it more efficiently?
    • From this analysis, what have you learned about this experience about diversity that can also be applied to productively managing the differences that can be “invisible” in the workplace?

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