Analyze your own organization

    Analyze your own organization



    In this formal paper assignment, you will look at your current workplace or organization through the lenses of the distinctions from our course.
    The paper should be with APA-formatted citations and a reference page.
    In whatever manner you deem appropriate, your paper should:
    1. Have a strong introduction that tells the reader what the paper is about.
    2. Give an overview of your company/organization, its history and background.
    3. Describe the organization in terms of its structure, the structure’s impact on leader-follower relationships, stakeholder relationships, and productivity and performance. Include the benefits and costs of the current structure.
    4. Describe the organization in terms of its culture, the cultures’s impact of leader-follower relationships, stakeholder relationships, and productivity and performance. Include the benefits and costs of the current culture.
    5. Explain any recent (past 5 years) crises your organization has faced, how they were dealt with and key learnings.
    6. Address communication and decision making styles, norms and mores; discuss organizational politics, conflict, and change; include how innovation and creativity are supported and/or thwarted; explain how people are rewarded and punished/disciplined both formally and informally.
    7. Include your role in the company and how your role, function and responsibilities have been shaped by these factors.
    8. Share how you foresee your role, function and responsibilities evolving over the next two years in light of internal and external forces/phenomena.
    9. Conclude with what you have learned about your organization by viewing it through these lens.

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