1. An employee is designing a marketing campaign for a small business. They show you the layout of the campaign that includes video downloaded from YouTube and Vimeo. Since this will be used for commercial purposes what do you say to the employee?
2. The leadership of a median sized computer supply company tells you that he is concerned that someone is trying to steal company secrets. Therefor he has started monitoring all employee email. What do you say?
3. A software developer has designed a new software product that will have a major impact on the market. He designed this software on his own time but within the companys premises and using their hardware. What issues does this present?
4. While working on a consulting contract for a large medical complex you notice that many of the staff are taking pictures of patients and other staff that they later upload to their facebook. What issues does this present?
To successfully complete this task work through the resources:
1. Work through the LYNDA Course on Privacy Copyright and Ethics at
2. Chapter 8 – Federal Government Information Security and Privacy Regulations^B%26bookid=69821&chunkid=926125792&rowid=557&refid=ZOSQK Legal Issues in Information Security Second Editionby Joanna Lyn Grama Jones and Bartlett Publishers (c) 2015 9781284054743
3. Chapter 7 – Intellectual PropertyCopyright^B%26bookid= 49592&chunkid=450987713&rowid=678&refid=ZOSQK Digital Media Law Second Edition by Ashley Packard Blackwell (c) 2013 9781118290729