Analyze Quasi-Experimental (Non-Randomized) Designs

    Using the article by Fitzpatrick and Meulemans (2011), prepare a written analysis that addresses the following:
    Determine the general strengths and weaknesses of quasi-experimental designs. Based on your findings, identify the strengths and weaknesses of this particular study.
    Explain when a quasi-experimental design is most useful within an educational setting, and then summarize whether this is an appropriate use of a quasi-experimental design in this study. Explain why, and if it is not, recommend a more accurate research design.
    Identify and explain the types of problems quasi-experimental designs could best address. Discuss if this study’s problem is best addressed by a quasi-experimental design. 
    Review the research question being asked in this study, and then provide a sample research question corresponding to a different hypothetical quasi-experimental design. 
    Support your assignment with at least this scholarly resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
    Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages and APA style.

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