Analyze a Sherlock Holmes Movie

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    2-3 page paper, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font (Times or Calibri)
    • Watch Any of the more recent Sherlock Holmes movies with Robert Downey Jr. and then discuss the following in your paper:
    • What is the overall plot? If based on one of the original stories we read, what changes were made? (Describe the overall story and mention specific scenes as examples, but don’t try to summarize every single thing that happens.)
    • Describe the actor’s portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. How is he different or similar from the Holmes that is portrayed in the original stories we are reading? Do the same with Watson and other important characters.
    • How are various story elements visualized, for example, their dress and appearance, the Baker Street residence, London, other important locations?
    • What did you like/not like about this movie adaptation? Explain why.

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