Analytical essay of Trifles

    The essay require 5 paragraph, (introduction, 3 paragraphs and conclusions.) The topic is analyzing the play. According to my professor, we have to pick up a theme that best represent ourselves and then apply it to the scholar’s theme that about the play which we talked in class. For example my theme could be brave, honesty, sympathetic. The scholar’s theme we talked about this play including “gender role, abuse, murder-ethical questing, sisterhood, and Justice”. Pick one theme (brave, honesty,etc) and apply it to the scholar’s theme to analyze it. Please use some quote and details to analyze it.

    And about the play, it is basically is a process that detective and officer and their wives go and find out the truth of a murder case. The wives find out the evident of the murder case but they keep silence about it because they realized that the lady who killed her husbands is been abuse for a long time.

    The following list is the requirement from my professor. Please help me to get a good grade I will sincerely appreciate!

    1. 5 paragraph,
    2. Represent your play analyze skill.
    3. Write a clear introduction
    4. Write a clear and specific thesis statement.
    5. All play titles are underlined or italicized.
    6. Go beyond simply pointing where you theme occurs in the play and analyze your finding,
    7. No need of Citation.
    8. The skill is most important in this class is your abilities

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