Analysis of the scene —>>> Each film/Reading should match an announced theme and the themes should be connected to each other

    For this paper the writer have to watch the youtube videos provided in an attached file. and then write a response to those videos using the reading materials attached and the lecture notes.
    I really prefer writer 5550 to work on this paper for me. since this writer wrote my previous paper which had a similar theme and it was great.
    My previous paper written by writer 5550 is also attached and notes on how to improve it is also available on it. please use those notes in order to improve this new paper.
    Everything needed to write this paper is attached to the order. Please read them carefully before writing the paper – don’t get to wordy and you don’t need to use ALL the professional language talked about in A Short Guide… . Summary: – Thesis – The more videos the better ( they all have to be connected to the thesis – 2 Readings — Use film terms — differentiate between readings, film,.. (in citation) — for lecture citing: (Keeling, Name of the Lecture) — for lecture citing in the appendix: (Keeling, Name of Lecture, AMST 274, USC, Spring —>>> CLOSE ANALYSIS OF SCENES: 1) Introduce the Scene 2) Explain the scene 3) Analysis of the scene —>>> Each film/Reading should match an announced theme and the themes should be connected to each other.

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