Analysis of Rosewood film

    Analysis of Rosewood film

    View the film Rosewood and analyze it using Dr. Welsing?s theories. Explain what the characters were thinking when they said certain things and behaved in certain ways. Choose at least two theories from each column below. The analysis not summarization must be detailed. You should discuss the conflicts and relationships that take place in the film. In other words, apply Welsing?s theories to the behaviors of the characters in the film. The first time you use a theory you must type it in bold lettering. Clearly identify the theories that you are using. Credit will only be given for any particular theory once. This means, if you apply the same theory to three characters, it will only count as one theory, not three. When planning your analysis, keep the following questions in mind:
    1. Who is the character that I will discuss?
    2. What motives did the character have in maintaining or ending racism?
    3. What was the character thinking?
    4. How do I know his/her motives or thoughts?
    5. Which theories help me to understand and explain what the character was thinking or doing?
    6. Why did the character behave the way he/she did?
    7. How did his or her actions affect the other characters?


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