Analysis of Quantitative Study: The focus of this critique is on the research study itself – the design, execution, and resulting findings. Provide a short abstract using your own words Custom Essay

    The paper should be of doctoral-level writing quality. It should be professional and clear. Proofread for typos and grammatical errors. Draw on course readings, as appropriate. Use APA style to reference published material cited in your paper.
    • How does the study reflect a quantitative approach to research?
    • Identify and comment on the purpose of the study and the research
    questions and/or hypotheses.
    • Identify and evaluate the variables in the study. What type of variables are
    present? How well do the variables capture what the authors want to know?
    • How does the theoretical and research literature inform the study?

    • Identify and critique the:
    o Quantitative approach to the study
    o Sample Procedures and resulting sample
    o Data collection instruments and procedures
    o The role of the researcher(s)
    o Data analysis and interpretation **You are not expected to understand or critique the statistical approaches used to analyze the data. Here, focus on the readability of this section for a layperson and the extent to which the authors explain their rationale for their chosen analytic approaches.
    • How do the author(s) validate the accuracy of their findings?

    • What are the study’s major findings?
    • How are the findings presented?
    • What strengths and limitations do you see in these findings that can be
    attributed to the study design, execution, and/or analysis?

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