Analysing classroom discourse using a multi-layered framework

    For this assignment, I will upload some files that I would like you to have a look at as they will be useful.
    One of the files, named assignment tutorial, contains very important tips that should be borne in mind when writing this assignment and some useful questions.
    Another file contains the assignment rubric.
    The file named coding framework contains useful codes that can be used in analysing the discourse.
    The file named Analysing cultural models is about an article written by my tutor and it can be used as an example in analysing the data of this assignment using the multi-layered framework.

    Regarding the structure of this assignment, I would like you to write an introduction of about 250 words in which you present:
    1/General information related to the assignment, such as Vygotksy’s theory as the rationale for our focus on classroom talk, different types of classroom talk and their effect on students’ opportunities to learn. 2/ the purpose of the assignment and the argument

    Then, I would like you to start with the first part of the assignment (1350 words) which is about analysing the data using the multi-layered framework. In this part, I would like you first to explain what is meant by the multi-layered framework (150 words). You can find a clear explanation of it in the article named analysing cultural models that I will upload. Then I would like you to start analysing the data by first analysing the transcript. In analysing the transcript, use some of the codes found in the file named coding framework that seem to be relevant to the analysis and do not forget to refer to line number. Then analyse the teacher interview data thematically to investigate emerging categories (themes) which she uses to describe her intentions behind her communicative behaviour in the classroom. Lastly, apply the third layer of analysis. (Please, do not include the transcript or the interview data in the essay, I will put them in the appendix as they are not included in the word count of this assignment)

    Finally, I would like you to start with the second part of the assignment (600 words). In this part, I would like you to reflect on and offer critical analysis of the multi-layered framework-outlining its value to the teaching context. ( My teaching context is an English as a foreign language classroom. In this context, I teach English to Arab learners

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