An Organization: Its Mission and Strategic Intent

    An Organization: Its Mission and Strategic Intent

    In this assignment, you will decide on a company’s strategic intent, its mission, and the role of stakeholders in developing an organization’s strategy.

    You have learned that stakeholders have profound impact on the direction and the success of a company. Based on your readings and learning, complete the following tasks:

    • Define the various classifications of stakeholders in a company and their role in strategic management decisions.
    • Explain the connection between stakeholders and competitive advantage.

    You learned that strategic intent is an extension of a company’s organizational culture and the cornerstone of the firm. Based on your readings and learning, complete the following tasks:

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    • Discuss the importance of strategic intent and its impact on organizational success.
    • Discuss why it is important and how an organization can move from intent to implementation.

    Based on your readings and learning, complete the following tasks:

    • Describe the attributes of an effective strategist.
    • Explain how you would create and sell a strategic mission to stakeholders.

    We cannot always control political, technological, economic, or cultural issues. Given that, answer the following questions:

    • How often would you reevaluate your business strategy to maintain a competitive edge in the market place?
    • What factors would you use to evaluate the need for change, and what tools would you use to make the changes?
    • While performing an external environmental analysis, how important is it to use all four components and why?

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