An introduction to the consumer you are studying.

    An introduction to the consumer you are studying.

    Describe an array of characteristics of the person you interviewed. See example questions for
    suggestions of what to describe.

    b) Explain clearly (1) why the person is different from you on one or more of the
    essential personal characteristics, and (2) explain how you are similar. Do not talk about shopping behavior and dress yet.

    c) Summary of how the person answered your questions about shopping, dress, etc. (do not rely on your transcript to fulfill this; it is not a summary)

    d) Reflection on how the person is similar to and different from you on shopping
    and dress behavior.
    Question examples:
    Required Information for Consumer Interviews
    Interviewee’s name _______________________________________
    Interviewee’s phone number or e-mail ______________________________________
    Consumer group you are studying _________________________________________
    age __________
    gender: M _____ F _____
    occupation or other special characteristic (for adults) __________________________
    year in school (for kids) _______________
    town/city and state of residence _____________________________________________
    population of above _________________________
    If not clear in information above, explain why this consumer is part of or related to your
    consumer group:

    Possible Questions for Consumer Interviews
    You must reformat and reword to make questions appropriate for your consumer’s
    age, gender, roles, etc. Leave space to record responses on your interview data
    collection sheet.
    Sources of Appearance and Dress Information
    1. Do you get information about what to wear or how to look from your friends? Family
    members? Co-workers? People on the street (where)?
    2. Do you use the mass media to get information about what to wear or how to look? If
    so, what types of media do you use for this purpose (magazines, TV, Internet, music
    videos, film)?Shopping Patterns and Preferences
    1. Where do you obtain your clothing? (e.g., department store; specialty store; discount
    store; consignment shop; garage sales; mail-order catalog; Internet shopping sites;
    hand-made by self or others; hand-me-downs; gifts from family, friends)
    2. Do you borrow from or share clothing with anyone? Please give examples.
    3. What is your favorite place/source to buy clothing? Why?
    4. When you shop for clothes, what are the most important criteria for choosing
    5. Do you think that shopping for clothes is enjoyable or do you not like to shop? What
    do you like or dislike about shopping for clothing?
    Dress and Appearance Preferences
    1. What types of clothing do you wear to work/school? (give style details–fabrics,
    colors, cut, etc.)
    2. What types of activities do you enjoy in your free-time? What types of clothing do
    these activities require? (give style details–fabrics, colors, cut, etc.)
    3. What types of colors do you tend to wear more often?
    4. Do you prefer certain brands? Which ones and why?
    5. What is your favorite article of clothing in your wardrobe? Why?
    6. What is your least favorite article of clothing in your wardrobe? Why?
    7. What types of grooming products/make-up do you use?
    8. On an average work/school day, how much time do you spend on appearance while
    getting ready (include showering, hair care, make-up or grooming, dressing, etc.)
    9. Describe your ideal appearance. In other words, what would you like to look like?10. Integrate at least 5 or more questions particularly relevant to your interviewee’s
    age, occupation, hobby, or whatever makes your consumer unique. (essential
    step!) Work on ordering of questions.

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