An examination of ethical consumption behaviors of young and old Qatari males

    This mini projects looks at the ethical consumption behavior of young and old Qatari male consumers. Especially the project will evaluate the Behavior towards environmentally friendly products. The study will evaluate how Qatari males purchase and consume products. Especially the study will try to understand their attitude towards environmentally friendly products such as recyclable paper. A brief questionnaire (attached) should be completed by 20 Qatari male respondents aged between 18-36 and 20 Qatari male respondents aged between 40-60. In total 40 questionnaires should be completed.

    Project report
    The report should include the following parts:
    A. Introduction
    Title page: Title of your project, names of group members and the course title.
    Background of the project that familiarizes the reader to the issue under research (Explain what is ethical consumption and how it can effect a society, country or the world).

    B. Research design
    (i) Discuss the logic behind your choice of data collection medium (e.g. face-to-face, phone, Internet etc.).
    (ii) Describe the sample selection method and response rate.
    (iii) Explain how and where the data collection took place.
    (iv) Describe the statistical techniques used to analyze and evaluate the data. You will be required to conduct descriptive analyses (mean and standard deviation) and t-test to analyze the differences between young and old Qatari male consumers.

    C. Results & Analyses
    This section should include the analysis, interpretation and discussion of the findings. Tables, graphs, charts should be used to present the data.

    D. Conclusions
    By looking at the results, present your insight into the environmentally friendly products behavior of differently aged respondents. Comment on how their attitude towards purchasing and consumption of environmentally friendly products varies. Importantly you must outline the practical applications of the outcome (i.e. how the findings can be used to benefit the Qatari society and/or Qatari institutions and/or Qatari businesses). The report should be approximately 1000-1200 words. It should be typewritten and double spaced.

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