An effective leader profile

    In Homework #1 you explored various aspects of leadership. Using that background, write a profile describing a leader in a diverse organization who you think is especially effective in a multicultural setting. You should select someone you can research or know well enough to write about. Presidents of the United States from Carter to the present are ineligible.
    The profile should not exceed four double-spaced pages for the body of the paper. In addition, include a Cover page and a References page. You do not have to include an abstract. Cite all references using APA style.
    The profile should include:
    • The leader (1-2 paragraphs on his/her background. Note: this is not a biography.)
    • His/her organization (1-2 paragraphs on his/her organization)
    • His/her leadership characteristics and philosophy (What Northouse calls “approach to leadership”).
    • Discuss why this leader is effective in a multicultural setting.
    • Use of concepts in the text where appropriate

    Develop a paper of 4 double spaced pages based on the topic.


    ● APA format (title page, text, citations, and references). This was a major feature of MGMT 610, so you should be competent in APA. You may want to refer to the paper in Conferences, “Writing Papers That Are Easy to Grade”

    ● 1” margins on all sides
    ● Times New Roman, 12 point font
    ● Double spacing
    ● Avoid use of 1st person (I, we, etc.)
    ● 4 pages
    ● Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source

    ● Give credit where credit is due. It is easy to plagiarize unintentionally. If you say things like:
    • all leaders must be resilient
    • discrimination against women is the very worst kind
    • diverse organizations are more productive

    Then you have made a claim and you must provide a reference to support it.

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