an avatar of him-or herself using this website

    an avatar of him-or herself using this website

    Paper 1 Rhetorical Analysis (2-3 pages) 15% of final grade Due Friday, June 14th 12:00 pm Critical reading and viewing are essential skills for all kinds of writing. Analysis is a more specific aim where those critical reading and viewing skills are app
    Step 2: Take notes. Why does this website exist? What purpose does it serve? What type of creation does this website allow for? Why would someone want to create this type of avatar?

    Step 3: List 5 different ways that a person can create an avatar of him-or herself using this website. Consider all the options you are given. Can you choose your hair color? What types of additions or revisions of the human can you make? Are you even a human in this program? Can you select your age? How do you create yourself? Do you have to sign up to use the program? Will you belong to a larger community after you make an avatar? What is the point of making this avatar? Why would someone choose to create this avatar?

    Step 3: Analyze, analyze, analyze. Pick out 3 specific options from your list above, and analyze them. (What does it mean that you can change your hair color? What types of gender options are available? Can you elect to be transgender, for example, or are the options limited to a particular binary?male/female? Can you select your race? What does it mean that you can become part animal? What does it mean that you can create a profile?)

    Step 4: List 5 options that ARE NOT available to you. What types of options are missing? Can you make a disabled avatar? Do you have a sense of location or geography in which the avatar lives? In what type of imaginary world? If you were the creator of the website, what other options would you like to add? Why, would you guess, these options are not present?

    Step 5: Create a theses for your paper. You thesis should be the answer to the following question: What type of avatar does this website simulate, and what do these options, or lack of options for the creation of this avatar, reveal about the larger program of avatar creation? That is, what types of unspoken assumptions or prejudices are interwoven within this website?s avatar program?


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