ABSTRACT : 300 words .
    do your best please and it should be comprehensive for everything.

    Introduction chapter:

    As you know this chapter is the most important chapter because it gives the reader good direction and clear view about the study and what exactly talks about

    •This chapter should be a total of 500 words in length.

    Please find below the expected structure for this chapter:

    1-Introduction for this chapter

    2-Include a clear outline of your overall aims and objectives. After you have analysed your questionnaire responses, include a summary of your key findings in your Intro chapter. Include an outline the structure of your overall document.

    The main question is:

    * What are the positive effects of tablets and smartphone usage on children aged between 2 – 9 years?
    • What are the negative effects of tablets and smartphone usage on children aged between 2 – 9 years?
    • How should children be protected against the negative effects of smartphone and tablet usage?
    • What should be done to prevent abusive and excessive use of these devices among children aged two and nine?

    The Objectives:

    • To examine the positive impacts of smartphones and tablets on children aged 2-9.
    • To identify the negative effects of smartphones and tablets among children
    • To discover preventive measures against abuse and excessive use of smartphones and tablets among children.

    3-Define your scope very clearly in this chapter, why you chose this subject (for the subject please add convincing reasons)
    the key issues and your findings, and outline the whole document structure for the reader.

    Chapter 4 : 500 TO 700 WORDS

    4.1 Introduction
    •you have to write (what are you going to write in the following parts in this chapter)

    4.2. Research approach:
    In this section please write about quantitative approach, why it is suitable for my dissertation and include convincing reasons for choosing this method. Moreover, could add at the end of this part some limitations that have been encountered (……..) when using quantitative approach design.

    4.3. Sampling.
     In this section, you have to write about the target population that is (22 Saudi and 6 Irish ) were answered the questionnaire as I mentioned above (and the convincing reasons for choosing this target to be accurate and valid.

     Also, you have to explain what type of sampling was used in distributing the questionnaire such (random, snowball, convenience sample, etc)? My type of sample is random sample (the people you can get access to). The main reasons for choosing this specific type of sampling have to be mentioned and explained in great details? You have to mention also what is the response rate?

     You also need to provide the credentials of your intended respondents, who are they, why did you choose them, what qualifies them to answer these questions, how will you analyse the responses, how many responses did you expect to get compared to how many you asked, and is this normal response rate, can you categorise the respondents (perhaps according to their job responsibility level?). All this should be in your document. “credentials of your respondents” means you should explain who they are (your individual respondents), why you chose them, what qualifies them to be your respondents (such as their education, experience, job position in their firms – that kind of explanation.

    4.4. Questionnaire Design
     In this section, the questionnaire design has to be explained in great details such the number of questions (how many questions were asked and how many parts the questionnaire has ? ) ? What types of questions were asked in the question 1, 2,3,4 ….etc, and so on

     Include the reasons why you designed the specific questions and link them to your overall dissertation aims and objectives, and your specific research aims. Include the credentials of your respondents, how and why you chose them.

     You need to explain (in your dissertation document) why you are asking EACH question, and it is a very good idea to link EACH question very specifically and individually to one or other of your research aims and objectives.

    .4.5.Data collection
    In this section, the stages in collecting data have to be explained and mentioned for example ( I USE SURVEYMONKEY WEBSITE)

     Also, the limitations of the data collection methods have to be mentioned and explained in great details. One of the limitations is that I didn’t distribute the questionnaires but i have sent the link to the people by survey monkey , which it makes difficulty to explain the questions for the participants who didn’t understand some of them. Please could you provide convincing limitations. and another limitation that i encountered difficulties in getting response from irish people as i didn’t know many people in Ireland , moreover, i only get 6 responses from irish people and 22 from saudi people which means the samples were of different size and that places questions around the comparability of the findings.

    4.6. Data analysis.
     In this section, the steps in analyzing the data through Survey monkey
    have to be mentioned and explained

     What analysis method will you use to critically examine your responses and present your findings? By the way, graphs would be great.

    4.7. Research limitations.
    In this part, you have to mention all the limitations that have been encountered in this chapter.

    4.8. Conclusion
    This Chapter is very important in my dissertation, so please do your best
    In this part, please summaries the main points in this chapter and include what the next chapter will be to make it clear to the reader.

    [Please do your best in writing this chapter and add more information if you see that is necessary]


    chapter 5 (Analysis of finding (RESULT)) 1200 words

    This chapter is a very important chapter. Be courageous and criticise the literature and/or findings – just be evidence based ie. Back up your “criticisms” with reasons, examples, or academic “evidence”. Literally just that, a clinical analysis of what you found from the responses. Try to include some graphical illustration of the findings as part of your analysis. Try to link back to your Literature Review e.g. try to include “as per health negative effects , as explained in chapter two…..” that type of link

    5.1 Introduction
     In the introduction part, you have to explain what are the main points that you are going to mention in this chapter.

     Also you have to mention the response rate, the confidence level, the confidence interval for the results, the percentage of effectiveness, the survey monkey website that has been used in analyzing the data and how the variables were categorized in a great detail and logical way.

    5.2 Findings
    This part has to be explained in great detail and you have to mention everything about the results of the questionnaire based on the aim and objectives such as:
     The questionnaires were analyzed in order to test the impacts of smartphone and tablets on children and so on ….

     How the results are divided ? such as the results are divided into 2,3 or 4 sections based on the questionnaire and results . The first section involved using frequency analysis to present the quantities of the nominal and scalar variables investigated ( gender , nationality, ..etc) this gave an overview of the demographics of the respondents. You have to do this in the other sections second, third, fourth sections and so on based on the questionnaire.

    The following headings are suggested based on my objectives but if you can suggest better than this, I will appreciate that.

    5.2.1 Overview of the demographic of the respondents
    In this part, you have to mention all about the result form the questionnaire, how many mother from Saudi or Ireland in percentages and so on …

    5.2.2 overview the positive impacts of smartphones and tablets on children aged 2-9.

    You have to explain everything based on the results that you get from the the questionnaire and link that to the objective

    5.2.3 overview of the negative impacts of smartphones and tablets among children

    You have to explain everything based on the results that you get from the the questionnaire and link that to the objective

    5.2.4 Overview The preventive measure against abuse an excessive use of smartphones and tablets among children

    You have to explain everything based on the results that you get from the the questionnaire and link that to the objective

    5.3 Conclusion
    You have to mention in the conclusion the main points that summary this chapter. Also you have to mention what is the following chapter will be.

    [Please do your best in writing this chapter and add more information if you see that is necessary]


    Please find below the expected structure for this chapter:

    5.1 Introduction

    You have to write an introduction what are you going to write in the following part in this chapter

    5.2 Discussion of results
    You have to discuss the results and link that to chapter 2 (Literature Review)

    5.3 Implications
    You have to mention all the implications for other researchers

    5.4 limitations
    You have to mention all the limitations of this study and you have to mention also what are the better solutions that would be done if you there was much more time.
    please write this as one of the limitations :
    one of the limitations in this research is that the samples were of different size and that places questions around the comparability of the findings.

    5.5 Conclusion
    Links to previous chapters 2,4 and 5 personal learning, insights

    5.6 Suggestions for further research (recommendation)
    This will fall out naturally from above chapter. Just write it up clearly. Include a section on possible further research, outside your current scope. Try to link back to Lit Rev and Research Method chapters too, even a couple of times. Include something about your personal journey writing this dissertation, your learning outcomes. This have to be link to chapter 2, personal learning and insights

    [Please do your best in writing this chapter and add more information if you see that is necessary]

    instruction for all chapter (1,4,5 and 6):

    • I am going to send the literature review to the writer by email, please I want a guarantee that my literature review will not be plagiarized ( I trust your website and your writer)
    • Please please please if any one order the same order please don’t give him/her same my answers please (I need a guarantee)
    • Please note that you have to write an introduction and a logical conclusion for this chapter.
    • Please read carefully all the attachment to understand my research objective and strategy.
    • You will find most of the details you need for this chapter in the attachments.
    • Please feel free to add any missing information if you feel it is necessary.
    • Please feel free to add any sub-heading.
    • Please send me a massage if you need any clarification before answering for avoiding Revision.
    • Please remember that this is a pre master level so don’t make the level of work so high try to simplify your work so the supervisor will not have any doubt .
    • Please use appropriate charts and figures for clarification if that necessary.
    • Please ensure to cite any information need to be referenced using Harvard system because my lecturer very strict in this point. For example when you write a sentence in a paragraph you have to cite this information (from where you get this information) and put the reference in the reference list.
    • Please avoid sweeping generalisations that are not justified or supported and avoid inappropriate citation.
    • Please note that I have to read all the reference that you’ll use in this assignment because I have to discuss with my supervisor, so please make a good use of them and put just the reference that you used.
    • The assignment should be a total of 6000 to 7000 words in length.
    • One more thing before I submit the chapter to the supervisor I have to read all the references. So, please be accurate about the references and number of pages.
    • You should also explain in your document how and why each Research aim/objective is linked to your overall document’s aims and objectives.

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