American History

    Paper instructions:
    Your last optional assignment involves you doing ten history projects (or any combination of projects and articles totaling ten and have it count as one assignment). The purpose of this assignment is to show you that there are many ways to learn and enjoy history. You can get a partial list of the history projects you can do by going to and clicking on “Projects.” Things you can do include attending a lecture on something related to the primary content of this class, writing a book review on a book related to the primary content of this class, visiting a museum or library to see an exhibit related to the primary content of this class, critiquing a historical cartoon or poster or photograph of something related to the primary content of this class, interviewing someone who knows about information related to the primary content of this class, or even analyzing a song or video game about some aspect of the primary history related to this class. Whatever you decide to do, remember that you need to do ten projects to complete this assignment (or any combination of projects and articles totaling ten), you must follow the directions for each project, and you may not do more than two of the same project (so, for example, you cannot do three movie reviews). Also, please keep in mind that your project should be something you do within the term dates of your class, if applicable. So, in other words, if you do a museum review or a review on a current movie, they must be something you do within the term dates of your class (and you must include a receipt with your review). If any of this is unclear, be sure to contact Dr. Reynolds for a further explanation. If you complete your projects assignment by its due date and time, you will get an “A” for this assignment. If you do only eight projects you will get a “B,” if you do seven you will get a “C,” and if you do only six you will get a “D.” As with the news articles, you can turn in your history projects anytime during the class term, either individually or in total, but you should try to turn them in sooner than later and at least one week prior to their due date so if something is rejected you will have time to redo it. And make sure you keep a copy of each project until you know it has been accepted and recorded! Then hold onto to your graded project until you receive your class grade!

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