American History

    American History

    The publication accords the Beringian relocation hypothesis to the large Asian population present within the American continent. This movement is believed to have been conducted between twenty-five thousand million years and thirty thousand million years ago. The period is placed within the Pleistocene era that marks the last section of the ice age. The initial Asian migrants form the basis of the Native American linage in America and the relocation was mainly conducted for grazing pastures. The group accessed America through the Beringia glacial strip that directly linked the northern part of Siberia to the Western part of Alaska. The Asian group crossed over from their native land through the BeringBridge and a settlement that lasted for fifteen thousand years was instituted, accounting for the differences in physique and genetic constitution from the other Asian tribes.

    The given migration strip was most preferable for relocation due to the size and weight of the animals, and the climate was more friendly to both the animals and the humans. The Beringian Strip as proposed by Joseph de Acosta in the period 1590 was well able to support the animals, namely buffalo, proboscideans, mammoth, lions and mastodon, without being submerged. The snow and glacial matter covering the Beringia route was very light allowing for small shrubs and grass to be present and this acted as food for the animals. Later, Enrico Martin supported the existence of Beringia by noting that, efforts to fit the strip within the Eastern side of the American continent has proved futile due to lack of tangible evidence and thereby according the connection as existing within the Western part of the land mass. The Asians therefore were the only group that could be fitted within the migration route. The Asian migrants are believed to have evolved into the Indian tribes the occupied Native America before European invasion.

    From the settlement period, the Indians had largely multiplied in number and therefore accorded their settlements in form of groupings that with time moved into the interior of America in three large groups. The initial group occupied the Mid-Atlantic region and they were referred to as the Lenni Lenape. This title was replaced with Delawares with the invasion of the Europeans in America. The second group moved southwards with an inclination to plains where they settled; the group was termed as the Dine whose name was changed to Sioux by the White settlers. The last group initially referred to as the Dine and later as Apache settled and occupied the southwestern regions. With the continent largely belonging to the Indians, the groups spread in terms of number and culture formations; as the Europeans ventured into America, the people had at least two thousand cultures. Bernaba Cobo a great scholar in the period 1650 expressed views that the immense languages and cultural groupings of the Indians can only be accounted to the fact that the people has inhabited the region for a rather long period, perhaps tens of centuries.

    With the variant languages existing between the native Indians, scholars note that excavations and early studies have revealed that the early migrants had ebony hair with dark eyes that were shaped as almonds. Their skin was dark brown or black with the red and yellow Indians being but genetically modified descendants perhaps due to factors such as climate and food patterns necessitating DNA modification. Dental formulae of these early Indians have been linked to the Asian people as perfect similarities have been noted between inhabitants of northeastern part of Asia and western part of America. Blood groups of the initial migrants were largely O and A; this has been maintained largely within the Indian tribes, especially those that have not been prey to inter-racial marriages. These differences are believed to have taken at least twenty-thousand years before any genetic, skin or dental variations could be noted.

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