American Government

    American Government

    Responses should be drawn from the readings assigned, videos, and journal entries. Additional outside research is not required. Each response should provide a synthesis of material from the relevant readings, not merely a series of quotations. When comparing and contrasting views, it is important that the information be presented objectively and dispassionately. Use your analyses and conclusions to express your agreement or disagreement with the various authors.
    Answer the question with 1 page cites from at least 3 articles
    Compare and contrast Derthick’s view on the “Ways of Achieving Federal Objectives” with the Dale Krane’s description of “The Middle Tier in American Federalism: State Government Policy Activism During the Bush Presidency.” Tim Conlan and Paul Posner levy similar criticism of the Bush approach to intergovernmental relations in their article “Inflection Point? Federalism and the Obama Administration.” In light of the extensive litigation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and President Obama’s executive order on immigration, as well as the controversy surrounding the Common Core Curriculum and the “Race to the Top”, do you agree with Conlan and Posner or do you see a continuing trend towards centralization? How have things changed with the Trump Administration? How would Phillip Monypenny view the current relationship between the states and the federal government?

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