Amazon vs. Etsy

    Amazon vs. Etsy

    Amazon recently launched Handmade, a new marketplace for handmade goods. Etsy another e-commerce site was launched prior to Handmade also provide similar products. See article below

    Chapter 5 discusses strategies used to create competitive advantage. Of the mentioned strategies which best describes Handmade and Etsy. Present your analysis in 450-500 words.

    Paper must adhere to the following:
    1. APA 6th Edition
    2. Times New Roman font, double space
    3. A minimum of three (3) references must be cited within the body of the paper
    4. References must be from current trade journals, magazines and newspapers (within the last 5 years).
    5. Paper must be submitted via Blackboard. I will NOT ACCEPT papers submitted late or via e-mail. Late paper MUST be pre-approved. See late policy outlined in the syllabus.
    6. Papers with a Turnitin originality report of 50% or more will receive an automatic zero (0). An acceptable originality report without penalty is 25-30%.

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