

    This assignment is a 5–9-page paper (excluding title page, bibliography and applicable appendices) in APA format with cited research on Amazon. This assignment is to finalize the report from your SWOT analysis from the previous assignment. 
    Items to add to the final report:
    • Write an Executive Summary detailing a proposed action plan that is taken from the SWOT analysis of Amazon. This should be done at the beginning of the report (Hint: write this after you have completed the entire report).
    • Include your SWOT analysis template.
    • Include a 2 x 2 SWOT matrix in the strategic report (The 2 x 2 SWOT matrix is important from the standpoint of, it being one of the first items viewed over and above anything else within the SWOT analysis. It is a visual which one can look at and readily ascertain the relationship between the several environmental factors).
    • Include Amazon’s latest annual report (There is a wealth of information which can be gained from the management discussion founded report).
    • Include whether Amazon has established a competitive advantage with the strategic elements of organizational culture, human resource practices, and cost.
    • Add tables, graphs, or other visual aids as appendices to enhance your report.
    • Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.
    • Essay should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
    • Essay should be in APA style.
    • Besides including several academic references, please include in-text citations throughout the paper.
    • You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism.
    • Your essay must have a thesis statement and conclusion that are both supported by research and analysis.

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