(Already done file attached) Thesis: I am in the midst of getting to you feedback regarding your thesis paragraph, so if you haven’t heard from me yet, look for it soon.

    (Already done file attached) Thesis: I am in the midst of getting to you feedback regarding your thesis paragraph, so if you haven’t heard from me yet, look for it soon.

    (See the attached file and expending to 10pages) Review of Literature: I’m hoping most of you headed my advice and have already started in on your review of literature section. As mentioned this section is going keep you busy. It will include the time of finding, reading, and writing ten plus pages. Obviously use the internet but you will also need to track down some scholarly books.


    (5 pages) Research Design: The Research Design section is your opportunity to collect your own data and share your significant findings (that’s really what scientific inquiry refers to). Qualitative data would be, for example, interviews, either conducted by you or researching existing interviews online. Qualitative data can even be your own personal/professional experience. Quantitative data, you can quantify through numbers, like survey data (again, either designed and conducted by you, or by researching existing surveys online that refer and pertain to your topic). This is what I mean by choosing your own methodology; it would depend on what makes sense for you and your research.


    I’ll share some examples:

    A former student was interested in the AIDS epidemic in Africa (core topic civic responsibility). According to this scientific inquiry, it made more sense for her to research existing data through statistics and percentages of this unfortunate epidemic so she utilized quantitative data for her Research Design.

    Another student in a different class was also looking into the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Her core topic was leadership and she was interested in how humanitarian organizations could effectively communicate and organize with the governments. So she sent out emails to the various organizations asking specific questions about the relationship between them and the government. Out of the many e-mails she was able to get a couple of valuable responses forming the basis of her qualitative data.


    A third student was researching effective leadership principles (core topic leadership) so she conducted her own interviews with managers at her job regarding their own leadership style. These interviews are qualitative data and provided great information for her research.

    Ultimately the Research Design Section will see you state specifically what type of data you collected and then the details on how you conducted the research. Then you share your significant findings after your explanation of data. You can have a Discussion section sharing your significant findings and how you made sense of your data. Give your perspectives and then go right into your Conclusion.


    This section really gives you the opportunity to make your paper unique and takes it a step further after your review of literature. This goes from simply describing existing research, to actually collecting data and critically analyzing your research.


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