ALP Paper

    The students applied learning paper will focus on a particular doctrinal issue. Students should
    make use of resources from the course (textbook, exercises, class discussion, etc.), but they are
    also encouraged to make use of outside resources (see the instructor for guidance on possible
    The student may choose from the following topics:
    1) the person of the Spirit
    2) the work of the church
    3) the kingdom of God
    Students should choose their topic before the fifth class session.
    The research paper should be 9-12 pages.  It should have three sections that answer the following
    1. What are the key issues and views on the topic you are investigating?
    This section is a description of the doctrine (including any important definitions), the
    issues or questions involved in that doctrine, and the various major views on the doctrine.
    2. What is your view of this topic and why do you hold it?
    This section is a presentation of the students view along with supporting evidence for
    his/her view, including problems with other views.
    3. Why and how does this topiv affect life and ministry?
    This section is a discussion of the importance and implications of the doctrine:

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