All early civilizations had the following characteristics EXCEPT

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    ____1.All early civilizations had the following characteristics EXCEPT
    A) Writing B) Cities C) Cave paintings
    D) Laws/Government

    ____2.The land between the rivers refers to
    A) Mesopotamia B) Egypt C) the Hittites D) Persia

    ____3. Which ruler united Upper Egypt with Lower Egypt after the Hittites?
    A) Tutankhamen B) Ahmose I C) Ramses II
    D) Amenhotep IV

    ____4. Compared to the Assyrians, Persian rule was
    A) Larger in area B) Kinder

    C) More lenient of different religions D) All of these

    ____5) Which Egyptian ruler threw out the Hebrews?
    A) Ramses II B) Akhenaton C) Amenhotep IV
    D) Tutankhamen

    ____6) Today the base for Western thought is thought to be
    A) Celtic/Germanic B) Mesopotamia/Persian
    C) Rome/Parthia D) Greek/Hebrew

    ____7) The Israelite tribes were held together by
    A) Mosesí leadership B) powerful judges C) strong kings
    D) a commitment to Yahweh

    ____8) Moses led his people out of Egypt
    A) and into a period of wandering in the Sinai Desert
    B) after Assyrian captivity
    C) upon the death of Ramses I
    D) to flee the Hittites

    ____9) The Ark of the Covenant
    A) held the Ten Commandments
    B) was taken by the Assyrians
    C) was held in the Temple of Solomon
    D) all of these

    ___10) A Greek contribution to Western civilization is
    A) the use of reason to understand life around them
    B) an union of religion and politics
    C) women’s rights
    D) foreign policy

    ___11) Helots were
    A) Athenian light infantry B) Spartan warriors
    B) Oarsmen of the Athenian fleet D) Spartan slaves

    ___12) The Spartan concept of excellence is
    A) participation in civil affairs B) dying in battle
    B) loyalty to the Gods D) mental attributes

    ___13) The 1st Persian invasion of Greece was brought on by
    A) Athen’s support of Greek rebellions in Asia Minor
    B) Persian hatred of Greek culture
    C) an invitation of Sparta to humble Athens
    D) Spartan raids on Persia

    ___14) Athenians during their empire period
    A) debated the ethics of empire
    B) saw no conflict between imperialism and democracy
    C) grew soft
    D) rejected internal democracy

    ___15) Salamis was
    A) a great Greek naval victory
    B) Sparta’s capital
    C) home to the Greek Gods
    D) a Greek God

    ___16) During the era of the Delian League
    A) Sparta dominated Greece
    B) Athens dominated Greece
    C) admiration for Greece grew
    D) wealth among members was shared

    ___17) The Peloponnesian War was
    A) a civil war between the followers of Athens and Sparta
    B) the 2nd Persian War
    C) the Macedonian invasion of Greece
    D) a war between Thebes and Sparta

    ___18) Alexander’s tutor was

    A) Plato B) Socrates C) Aristotle D) Parmenides

    ___19) Alexander abandoned his campaign in India because
    A) disease among his troops
    B) his troops demanded it
    C) the cost of war didn’t equal the gains
    D) Alexander wanted time to teach his son to rule

    ___20) After Alexander’s death,

    A) his father took over power
    B) the empire collapsed
    C) Alexander’s son took over
    D) his empire was split into 3 parts

    Pick 10 of following 15 people, places and ideas. Answer as completely as possible in 2 or 3 sentences (3 points)

    1) symposiums

    2) Code of Hammurabi

    3) Hatshepsut

    4) Cro-Magnon man

    5) Assyrians

    6) Minoans

    7) Yahweh

    8) Alexandria, Egypt

    9) Hittites


    11) hoplites

    12) King Philip II

    13) Delian League

    14) Battle of Marathon

    15) Mt Olympus

    Pick 1 of the following 4 questions. Answer as completely as possible.
    (15 points)

    1) What were the chief characteristics of Hellenistic society?
    2) Chose either Egypt or Mesopotamia and describe using examples how the steps taken by the people as they moved towards civilization.
    3) How was Athens able to dominate Greek civilization?
    4) Describe Athenian Democracy.

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