Age development

    Analysis and Reflection Paper: This course requires that you become an expert on at least one topic in adult development and aging. This activity provides an opportunity to read more widely and critically on a developmental concept that will be of benefit to you in your future professional career. In this paper, you will 1) summarize the current research findings related to your topic using scholarly journal articles (at least 5 sources), 2) evaluate how these findings relate to your profession, and 3) include a personal reflection or example(s) on how you might use this information in your field.

    This paper requires 5 peer-reviewed research articles found using the Ball State University library scholarly journal databases. My preference is to use ERIC or psycINFO – In addition to your 5 peer-reviewed sources you may also use popular book chapters, websites, and/or popular press for your paper. Please use APA format for your paper and references ( I have also provided a link on our website.

    The final paper is due in hard copy in class on Monday, November 7th. It should be about 8-12 typewritten pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, excluding the reference page. It should NOT be less than 6 pages.

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