After viewing Food Inc( find it on you tube or Netflix) it appears there is a common conception, food can only be unhealthy and cheap or healthy and inexpensive Custom Essay

    1) After viewing Food Inc( find it on you tube or Netflix) it appears there is a common conception,�food can only be unhealthy and cheap or healthy and inexpensive.� Do you believe this statement to be true or false? How would you explain this concept to a potential client who came to you looking to lose weight, with a family of 5 people to feed only on $200 dollars a month in food stamps? What resources might you direct her to?
    Please come up with three �cheap�, quick healthy meals which use local or readily accessible ingredients and minimal processed foods. Please make sure to include one of each meal — breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    2) When people are unhealthy because of the food they eat and lack of physical activity — who is responsible and why?

    3) Do you believe there should be a tax on soda and junk food the way there is one on cigarettes? What are some of the reasons for AND against this potential tax? Please describe at least 3 pros and cons of such a tax.

    4) In reference to Gary Taubes in his book Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It what does he mean when he states, �it is not all about the calories�? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? What are some potential flaws in making such a generalization?

    5) Do you concur or disagree with Gary Taubes (Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It)that the reason why people get fat is because they eat �too many carbohydrates�? Why or why not? Identify at least two flaws in G. Taubes� carbohydrate theory. What would make his argument stronger?

    6) In your own words describe �the lipid theory.� What are the implications on a national level if this theory is in fact false? How would this change the way we practice nutrition?

    7) What does the �China Study� have to teach us about overall wellness and weight management? If anything? In your own words describe at least two health related pros and two cons of the emerging data.

    8) Should healthy eating be a right, a responsibility or a privilege and why?

    9) What is the movie maker�s overall objective in the documentary Fat Head? Do you feel like he succeeds? Why or why not? Identify at least two things he could do to make his message stronger.

    10) If you were a dietitian or a nutritionist choosing to go into weight management counseling identify three of the most challenging obstacles you feel you will be faced with. Please describe these issues and how you would deal with them in your practice.

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