After reviewing the Art 21 video, SEGMENT: Krzysztof Wodiczko in Power, post your answers on the DQ 1 Discussion Board to the following questions:

    Art Appreciation
    After reviewing the Art 21 video, SEGMENT: Krzysztof Wodiczko in Power, post your answers on the DQ 1 Discussion Board to the following questions:

    Chapter 3 – Seeing the Value Art, asks the question, “What constitutes the activist direction in public art?” Artists are often using public art as a means to address social and political issues. One contemporary artist who uses his artwork as a comment on important social or political issues, but also allows the public to directly participate in his pieces, through expressing their experiences or opinions on these issues, is Krzysztof Wodiczko. He is directly involved in creating public work that encourages dialogue for social change. His most famous works are projections on public buildings and monuments. Your text, in Chapter 3, also describes his Homeless vehicle project. After watching the video from Art 21, on the contemporary artist Krzysztof Wodiczko, please answer the following questions below on the discussion board.

    Link to video: (Links to an external site.)

    Discuss Wodiczko’s comment, “It seems easier to be honest speaking to thousands of people through a monument than to tell the truth at home to the closest person.” In your response, please refer to an actual piece of his.
    Wodiczko says, “It’s not only important what art is, but what art does” Thinking about the theme of Wodiczko’s work and the topics discussed in Chapters 1-3, what can art do?
    In relation to Wodiczko’s activist work, the theme of Chapter 3, of “What constitutes the activist direction in public art?’, and your readings on the National Endowment for the Arts(NEA), please share your opinion on whether the National Endowment for the Arts should or should not exist as a function of our government. Many people feel that the government should have a position that supports the creation of art in our society, in order to foster cultural experiences and document our society. Others do not support this, stating that government involvement restricts the artist’s degree of freedom.

    It has been argued that courts are the least political branch of government. Yet their regulation-related decisions have had significant political impacts. Accordingly, students are assigned alphabetically (according the first letter of their last name) the following court case to analyze:

    Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. (2013)

    Each student paper should include the following elements:
    1. A brief description of the case- no more than one page
    2. Identify the regulatory action and or/regulatory agency involved in this case and the action it has taken that has triggered this lawsuit.
    3. Identify the key regulatory question before the court arising from this regulation.
    4. Who won the case? (Describe the winning party)
    5. What was the court’s reasoning behind its decision: why did the court rule against the agency or the regulation?
    6. What precedent was set by this case: How has the regulatory environment been changed?
    7. Key section of the paper: Conduct a political analysis of what the decision by the court has done in terms of the ability for this issue to be regulated, the discretion remaining for an agency regulate in this area, and the reason why Congress has not taken further action in this area to address the issues raised in the court case?

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