African Americans Confront Lynching: Strategies of Resistance from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Era Custom Essay

    Historian Christopher Waldrep argues that the word “lynching” is fluidic in its definition and is often used as a political tool fraught with emotional appeal. He also argues that due its rhetorical nature and the fact that white people have oftentimes “lynched” other white people that it may not always refer to racial violence against African Americans.
    After reading African Americans Confront Lynching: Strategies of Resistance from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Era, discuss the general notion of “lynching” as discussed by Christopher Waldrep. Discuss the strategies and philosophies employed by African Americans to resist lynching compared with the strategies and philosophies of those seeking its validation. Finally, discuss the impact of “lynching” on African Americans in America. Explain and document your conclusions.
    A good paper is one in which there is a comprehendible thesis statement, topic sentences and paragraph development. Your paper is not limited to one paragraph per page. The paper must have a definite argument – point of view gleaned from the book – follow a logical progression and be chronologically accurate. Each paper must be 1500 words in length (approximately five pages). It must conform to standard essay format, i.e., must be typed, double-spaced, use twelve point font, black ink, have a cover page, footnotes, and a bibliography. Footnotes and bibliography will use the format found in Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Fifth Edition and later. For more information regarding the Turabian Style of Citations, click the “Turabian Style Citations” link on the left side of my website.

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