Afforable Healthcare Act

    Assignment Objective: To describe and summarize the impact of the Affordable Care Act in the US healthcare system.

    will do a research about Affordable Care Act (Obama Care). Must use at least five (5) scholarly sources (Wikipedia is not accepted):
    • Your research paper is to be organized into the following segments:
    1) What is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)? Provide a brief summary.
    2) Implications of Obama Care in the following:
    a. Medicaid and Medicare (you can include reforms to the programs, changes in costs, requirements, cost for the state (Florida))
    b. consequences to the uninsured citizen (those who doesn’t qualify for Medicaid or Medicare) (cost of the plan, penalties for not having a health insurance coverage)
    c. impact on health insurance premiums
    d. impact to the small businesses
    3) Mention at least three pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act and bring some ideas about the changes that you want to see implemented in our healthcare system.
    • Page limit: 6-8 Word document (excluding the title page and reference list). Use page headers and numbers, level headings, and in-text citations, following all APA formatting requirements.

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