Advice for Research Paper

    Advice for Research Paper

    Before I receive questions regarding the research paper, I wish to address potential questions in this brief announcement.  First you should have already picked your topic from the list provided at the bottom of this page.  Second, when you pick a topic make sure you narrow it down significantly.  For example instead of writing a paper about Andrew Jackson’s entire life, you should look at the particular contributions he made towards the development of the United States and explain their importance.  Third, make sure you include a clear introduction with a thesis statement.  The thesis statement gives your paper a specific direction and an argument.  History is much more that the description of a person or event but the importance of the topic.  Fourth, make sure to follow the instructions listed in the “Paper & Journals”” link and provide citations throughout your paper, especially quotations.   You may use any format you are familiar with, but they need to be accurate and provide page numbers.  Additionally, avoid using websites.  Instead use all the sources available to you through the CTC Online Library.  Lastly, and most importantly, make sure to put everything in your own words to avoid plagiarism.  I wish everyone the best of luck for their papers.  The more effort and analysis you provide in your paper the better the score.  Follow the advice in this message and your score will be better.  Best of luck and as always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Dr. Grear

    · Research Paper

    Note: Before beginning this assignment, read through information contained in the Scholastic Honesty link in the course menu to the left.

    The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (850-1100 words in length (excluding title, bibliography, citations, etc.) = approx. 3-4 pages double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman).

    · The paper should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.

    · The paper will not be just a report presenting information, but will be a paper that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.

    · The paper may include consideration of problems and solutions, define key terms, or refute arguments against your thesis statement.

    It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you.  See list below for some possible topics.  This topics should be used as a starting point.  Narrow your topic further to something manageable for a 3-4 page paper.

    · Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered.

    · You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.)

    · Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it.

    You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:

    2. Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic

    2. Gathering information, summarizing sources

    2. Analyzing and evaluating sources

    2. Defining key terms

    2. Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources

    2. Testing a thesis, making a historical argument, using refutation

    2. Amassing support for a position

    2. Documenting sources

    Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:

    2. Choose a topic related to U.S. History up to 1877 (Chapters 1-15) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.  See list below for some possible topics to research.

    2. Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.

    2. Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.

    . Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2 – 8.

    . They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.

    . An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.

    . DO NOT USE WEBSITES since they are unreliable.   DO NOT USE ENCYCLOPEDIAS since they are not academically rigorous.  There are many excellent sources in books and articles.  Many of these are available online at the CTC Library.

    · Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).

    · Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.

    · Save your file under the following naming format: LastName, FirstName, Title of Paper.

    Grade Rubric

    INTRODUCTION:  Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion or position. Topic is original and manageable in a short research paper.  /15                        

    BODY:  Body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /20                              

    USE OF SOURCES:  Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /25                              

    UNDERSTANDING OF SOURCES:  Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately. Uses a wide variety of sources reflecting significant research.  /10                        

    FORMATTING:  Uses MLA format correctly; includes a Works Cited list; is free of errors.  /15            

    CRITICAL THINKING:  Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure.  /15            

    TOTAL: 100

    Submission Instructions

    Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word, Open Office (download free software at, or other per course requirements.

    · Save your file as an .rtf (rich text format) or word document.

    · Select the Browse My Computer button to navigate to the file.

    · Locate and select your file.

    · Select Submit.

    . Topics for the Research Paper



    Soon you will start working on your second assignment for the course.  Though you can choose any topic that fits in the scope of the course I have pasted below a list of 100 possible topics.  Please make sure you narrow down the subject to some particular aspect of the topic so your paper will be more focused.  .  For example instead of writing a paper about the Civil War, you should look at a particular point in a battle on the decisions a leader had to make at a specific point/ battle.  Third, make sure you include a clear introduction with a thesis statement.  The thesis statement gives your paper a specific direction and an argument.  History is much more that the description of a person or event but the importance of the topic.  Lastly, make sure that you use legitimate sources such as published books and scholarly journal articles.  Please avoid websites and encyclopedias.  Remember to include specific page numbers in your citations.  Remember, history is more than regurgitating basic facts, but you need to examine the impact of the event/person on society around them.  Best of luck with the papers and I am looking forward to reading them.


    Dr. Grear 



    100 Possible Research Paper Topics 

    Will Require Narrowing Down the Topics



    1. Pre- Columbian America

    2. Christopher Columbus

    3. The Conquistadors

    4. Spanish Explorers in the New World

    5. The Jamestown Colony

    6. The Plymouth Colony

    7. Early Colonial Life

    8. The Plantation System

    9. The Pilgrims

    10. The Puritans

    11. William Penn

    12. Anne Hutchinson

    13. Bacon’s Rebellion

    14. Slavery in Colonial America

    15. The Middle Passage

    16. Life in Colonial New England

    17. Life in the Colonial South

    18. The French and Indian War

    19. Provincial Culture

    20. George Washington

    21. The Proclamation of 1763

    22. Mercantilism and the American Colonies

    23. The Causes of the American Revolution

    24. Battles of the American Revolution

    25. George Washington as a Military Commander

    26. Popular Support for the American Revolution

    27. Thomas Paine

    28. The Invasion of Canada

    29. The Loyalists

    30. The Yorktown Campaign

    31. Any Revolutionary War Military Figure

    32. Thomas Jefferson

    33. Slavery and the New Republic

    34. The Constitution

    35. Alexander Hamilton

    36. The Federalists

    37. Washington as President

    38. The XYZ Affair

    39. The Louisiana Purchase

    40. The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    41. The Indian Wars in the Old Northwest

    42. The War of 1812

    43. The American Navy in the War of 1812

    44. The Battle of New Orleans

    45. The Building of the Erie Canal

    46. Robert Fulton

    47. Andrew Jackson

    48. The Missouri Compromise

    49. Slave Rebellions

    50. The Monroe Doctrine

    51. The Spoils System

    52. The Trail of Tears

    53. Henry Clay

    54. The Alamo

    55. Sam Houston

    56. The California Gold Rush

    57. Irish Immigration in Ante Bellum America

    58. America and the Industrial Revolution

    59. Women in 19th Century America

    60. The Development of the Railroads

    61. The Mormons

    62. The Rise of Public Education

    63. The Utopians

    64. King Cotton

    65. Free Men of Color

    66. The Abolitionist Movement

    67. The Underground Railroad

    68. Frederick Douglass

    69. The Oregon Trail

    70. Manifest Destiny

    71. James K. Polk

    72. The War with Mexico

    73. Future Civil War Generals in the Mexican War

    74. The Oregon Boundary Dispute

    75. “Bleeding Kansas”

    76. Abraham Lincoln

    77. The Dred Scott Decision

    78. Fort Sumter

    79. Northern Strategy in the Civil War

    80. The First Battle of Bull Run

    81. Confederate Naval Innovations

    82. The Civil War in the East

    83. The Vicksburg Campaign

    84. Gettysburg or any other Civil War battle.

    85. American Foreign Policy during the Civil War

    86. Perry Opens Japan

    87. The Civil War at Sea

    88. The Northern War Governors

    89. Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts

    90. The Lincoln Assassination

    91. The Freedmen’s Bureau

    92. The South and Reconstruction

    93. The Black Codes

    94. The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    95. The Klu Klux Klan

    96. The Alaskan Purchase

    97. The Radical Republicans

    98. The Grand Army of the Republic

    99. The Civil War as a Prelude to Modern Industrial Warfare

    100. Tammany Hall

    Before I receive questions regarding the research paper, I wish to address potential questions in this brief announcement. First you should have already picked your topic from the list provided at the bottom of this page. Second, when you pick a topic make sure you narrow it down significantly. For example instead of writing a paper about Andrew Jackson’s entire life, you should look at the particular contributions he made towards the development of the United States and explain their importance. Third, make sure you include a clear introduction with a thesis statement. The thesis statement gives your paper a specific direction and an argument. History is much more that the description of a person or event but the importance of the topic. Fourth, make sure to follow the instructions listed in the “Paper & Journals”” link and provide citations throughout your paper, especially quotations. You may use any format you are familiar with, but they need to be accurate and provide page numbers. Additionally, avoid using websites. Instead use all the sources available to you through the CTC Online Library. Lastly, and most importantly, make sure to put everything in your own words to avoid plagiarism. I wish everyone the best of luck for their papers. The more effort and analysis you provide in your paper the better the score. Follow the advice in this message and your score will be better. Best of luck and as always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

    Dr. Grear


    Research Paper


    Note: Before beginning this assignment, read through information contained in the Scholastic Honesty link in the course menu to the left.

    The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (850-1100 words in length (excluding title, bibliography, citations, etc.) = approx. 3-4 pages double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman).

    •The paper should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.

    •The paper will not be just a report presenting information, but will be a paper that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.

    •The paper may include consideration of problems and solutions, define key terms, or refute arguments against your thesis statement.

    It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you. See list below for some possible topics. This topics should be used as a starting point. Narrow your topic further to something manageable for a 3-4 page paper.

    •Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered.

    •You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.)

    •Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it.

    You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:

    1.Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic

    2.Gathering information, summarizing sources

    3.Analyzing and evaluating sources

    4.Defining key terms

    5.Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources

    6.Testing a thesis, making a historical argument, using refutation

    7.Amassing support for a position

    8.Documenting sources

    Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:

    1.Choose a topic related to U.S. History up to 1877 (Chapters 1-15) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind. See list below for some possible topics to research.

    2.Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.

    3.Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source. ◦Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2 – 8.

    ◦They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.

    ◦An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.

    ◦DO NOT USE WEBSITES since they are unreliable. DO NOT USE ENCYCLOPEDIAS since they are not academically rigorous. There are many excellent sources in books and articles. Many of these are available online at the CTC Library.

    4.Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).

    5.Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.

    6.Save your file under the following naming format: LastName, FirstName, Title of Paper.

    Grade Rubric

    INTRODUCTION: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion or position. Topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /15

    BODY: Body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /20

    USE OF SOURCES: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /25

    UNDERSTANDING OF SOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately. Uses a wide variety of sources reflecting significant research. /10

    FORMATTING: Uses MLA format correctly; includes a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /15

    CRITICAL THINKING: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /15

    TOTAL: 100

    Submission Instructions

    Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word, Open Office (download free software at, or other per course requirements.

    1.Save your file as an .rtf (rich text format) or word document.

    2.Select the Browse My Computer button to navigate to the file.

    3.Locate and select your file.

    4.Select Submit.


    Possible Topics for the Research Paper



    Soon you will start working on your second assignment for the course. Though you can choose any topic that fits in the scope of the course I have pasted below a list of 100 possible topics. Please make sure you narrow down the subject to some particular aspect of the topic so your paper will be more focused. . For example instead of writing a paper about the Civil War, you should look at a particular point in a battle on the decisions a leader had to make at a specific point/ battle. Third, make sure you include a clear introduction with a thesis statement. The thesis statement gives your paper a specific direction and an argument. History is much more that the description of a person or event but the importance of the topic. Lastly, make sure that you use legitimate sources such as published books and scholarly journal articles. Please avoid websites and encyclopedias. Remember to include specific page numbers in your citations. Remember, history is more than regurgitating basic facts, but you need to examine the impact of the event/person on society around them. Best of luck with the papers and I am looking forward to reading them.

    Dr. Grear


    100 Possible Research Paper Topics

    Will Require Narrowing Down the Topics

    1. Pre- Columbian America

    2. Christopher Columbus

    3. The Conquistadors

    4. Spanish Explorers in the New World

    5. The Jamestown Colony

    6. The Plymouth Colony

    7. Early Colonial Life

    8. The Plantation System

    9. The Pilgrims

    10. The Puritans

    11. William Penn

    12. Anne Hutchinson

    13. Bacon’s Rebellion

    14. Slavery in Colonial America

    15. The Middle Passage

    16. Life in Colonial New England

    17. Life in the Colonial South

    18. The French and Indian War

    19. Provincial Culture

    20. George Washington

    21. The Proclamation of 1763

    22. Mercantilism and the American Colonies

    23. The Causes of the American Revolution

    24. Battles of the American Revolution

    25. George Washington as a Military Commander

    26. Popular Support for the American Revolution

    27. Thomas Paine

    28. The Invasion of Canada

    29. The Loyalists

    30. The Yorktown Campaign

    31. Any Revolutionary War Military Figure

    32. Thomas Jefferson

    33. Slavery and the New Republic

    34. The Constitution

    35. Alexander Hamilton

    36. The Federalists

    37. Washington as President

    38. The XYZ Affair

    39. The Louisiana Purchase

    40. The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    41. The Indian Wars in the Old Northwest

    42. The War of 1812

    43. The American Navy in the War of 1812

    44. The Battle of New Orleans

    45. The Building of the Erie Canal

    46. Robert Fulton

    47. Andrew Jackson

    48. The Missouri Compromise

    49. Slave Rebellions

    50. The Monroe Doctrine

    51. The Spoils System

    52. The Trail of Tears

    53. Henry Clay

    54. The Alamo

    55. Sam Houston

    56. The California Gold Rush

    57. Irish Immigration in Ante Bellum America

    58. America and the Industrial Revolution

    59. Women in 19th Century America

    60. The Development of the Railroads

    61. The Mormons

    62. The Rise of Public Education

    63. The Utopians

    64. King Cotton

    65. Free Men of Color

    66. The Abolitionist Movement

    67. The Underground Railroad

    68. Frederick Douglass

    69. The Oregon Trail

    70. Manifest Destiny

    71. James K. Polk

    72. The War with Mexico

    73. Future Civil War Generals in the Mexican War

    74. The Oregon Boundary Dispute

    75. “Bleeding Kansas”

    76. Abraham Lincoln

    77. The Dred Scott Decision

    78. Fort Sumter

    79. Northern Strategy in the Civil War

    80. The First Battle of Bull Run

    81. Confederate Naval Innovations

    82. The Civil War in the East

    83. The Vicksburg Campaign

    84. Gettysburg or any other Civil War battle.

    85. American Foreign Policy during the Civil War

    86. Perry Opens Japan

    87. The Civil War at Sea

    88. The Northern War Governors

    89. Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts

    90. The Lincoln Assassination

    91. The Freedmen’s Bureau

    92. The South and Reconstruction

    93. The Black Codes

    94. The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    95. The Klu Klux Klan

    96. The Alaskan Purchase

    97. The Radical Republicans

    98. The Grand Army of the Republic

    99. The Civil War as a Prelude to Modern Industrial Warfare

    100. Tammany Hall

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