Advertisement Analysis

    In writing your advertisement analysis essay, you will choose a print ad or
    short commercial that you can spend some time with, get to know, and think
    deeply and critically about. Your evaluation will offer thought-out commentary
    and criticism. You will develop an evaluative thesis about your advertisement
    that moves beyond liking or disliking. You will then develop claims and support
    for your thesis about this ad.
    As with your narrative, this paper should have a rather narrow focus. You want
    to choose the most important details to evaluate. Focus on analyzing the
    rhetoric of the ad. The course textbook, HTWA, has a chapter on “Rhetorical
    Analysis” that offers detailed information about how to write an analysis essay
    like this one.
    Your assessment on this paper will be based on the goals of this unit:
    1. Find a relevant advertisment for analysis. Then, understand and think
    critically about this text.
    2. Read rhetorically, paying attention to strategies of persuasion, the
    purposes of an author or creator, and the effect of a text on an
    audience. Analyze texts in order to better compose your own.
    3. Integrate other voices into your writing—through summary, paraphrase
    and quotation. Use citations properly.
    4. Revise your analysis so that it is clear, well-organized, and polished

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