Advanced Interpersonal Communication

    Advanced Interpersonal Communication
    Objective: To provide incentive and structure for completing the readings so that our class discussions will be more productive. Reaction papers will also serve as a useful review of materials as you prepare for exams and as you write your final paper.
    Format: Each reaction paper should be no more than one typed page (single-spaced; you can have 2 pages if you double-space) per chapter or article. Fonts should be 12 pt, and your margins should be one inch all around. Learn to be concise, edit your work, and make every word count!
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    Content: Write three paragraphs for each assigned reading: 1) Begin with a brief summary of the author’s main points. 2) Then provide a personal reaction to the reading (e.g., Are the claims made in this reading consistent with your own values, observations, experiences? Were any of the author’s ideas especially useful or meaningful to you?). 3) Finally, provide a scholarly reaction to the reading (e.g., Compare and contrast this author’s position with the position taken by another author. Evaluate the evidence and reasoning the author provides for his or her claims. Explain how ideas in this reading are related to other course concepts or ideas from other readings.). Each of these three sections (summary, personal reaction, scholarly reaction) should be of approximately equal length and development.
    Procedures: Reaction papers are due at the beginning of the class period, on the day for which the reading(s) you wrote about were assigned. Please plan ahead so that you have your entry completed and printed out—don’t disrupt the class by arriving late. I may accept late reaction papers under serious extenuating circumstances—you will need to negotiate this with me as soon as possible following the emergency or difficulty.
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    Reaction papers and your participation grade: You will receive ten points (up to 70) simply for turning in a reaction paper that complies with format, content, and procedures. I expect that you will turn in 7 reaction papers over the course of the semester. During our class discussions, you should be evaluating for yourself how well you are summarizing main points and how well you are doing in responding to the materials in useful and rigorous ways. The remaining 80 points of your participation grade will be based on your participation in class discussions and activities. Although you don’t have to turn in a reaction paper every day, you should still do the reading and attend class so that you can participate in discussion.
    Academic Integrity: It’s great to discuss course ideas with others but make sure that your reaction paper reflects YOUR reading and thinking. Don’t let someone else write your reaction paper. Don’t copy or paraphrase someone else’s reaction. Don’t write a reaction paper if you haven’t actually done the entire reading (e.g., asking someone to tell you what the reading was about and then writing your own paraphrase and reaction). Papers that are suspiciously similar will lead me to investigate further
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