Administrative Law

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    RESEARCH PAPER GUIDELINES                                        

                  The major intellectual project of the course that students are expected to complete is the formal research paper.  The paper must be written in APA format/style.  To that end, students are expected to read, understand, and comply with the requirements of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for all assignments and manuscripts.  This includes the “Ethical Standards for the Reporting and Publishing of Scientific Information” included therein.  All work submitted for this course must be the student’s own and may not have been used whole and/or in part for any other purpose without the professor’s prior written permission (if in doubt you must ask the instructor). The student should select a paper topic consistent with her/his personal interests and intellectual curiosity that can be well-managed within semester time parameters, based upon academic and other workloads.  Thus, it is important to keep the focus of the research paper narrow by defining an angle on or “dimension of administrative law”.  The instructor is available to assist you in this effort.  Please note that your paper topic MUST be approved in advance by the instructor using the drop box PRIOR to beginning your research.

    It is expected that the formal paper will be carefully researched and well-written.  To that goal, the paper must use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  The completed paper shall be a minimum of 15 pages in length and not exceed 20 pages (excluding cover, endnotes, appendices, and references/ bibliography).  Papers must be electronically submitted to the instructor (via drop box) no later than the last day of classes prior to examination week.  Students are encouraged to complete and submit papers earlier if practicable.  Late papers, if accepted, will be substantially discounted in grade, unless the delay is caused by a documented illness and/or personal emergency.  All written assignments are subject to review using electronic software such as Turn-It-In, etc.

      A.  Research papers will receive a letter grade based upon the following criteria:

    1.      Grammar, spelling, and punctuation (proofread and spell check). 

    2.      Knowledge and understanding of the assigned readings and classroom discussions (integration of course materials with research).

    3.      The ability to integrate knowledge from different sources (texts, library research, class discussions, and real life situations).

    4.      Analysis of materials to reach conclusions and support them in an organized and coherent manner (critical thinking skills).

    5.      Compliance with minimum/maximum length and submission requirements.

    6.      Compliance with required format and style requirements (APA, 6th ed.)

    7.      Demonstrated improvement, if required, based upon written feedback received from the instructor throughout the semester.

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