Administration of Justice LESSON #11 Reading assignment: Chapter 11 Responsibility Eleven: Training

    Class: Administration of Justice 15 – Police Supervision
    Book: "Supervising Police Personnel: The Fifteen Responsibilities"
    Seventh Edition
    by Paul M. Whisenand,
    ISBN 13: 978-0-13-245758-3
    LESSON #11
    Reading assignment: Chapter 11
    Responsibility Eleven: Training
    Key points:

    • Teamwork requires interdependent thinking and effort

    • The main purpose for teamwork is through alignment to produce synergy within the work unit

    • Teamwork can occur only if there is mutual trust and training as a team

    • Trust should be based on the knowledge of the other person’s values as well as your own

    • Team training is a key responsibility of a police supervisor

    • An FTO program does not diminish from a supervisor’s training function

    • Your delivery of training should be subjected to constant evaluation by your boss, yourself and the trainees

    • The most difficult of all training goals for the supervisor is that of building and maintaining a work team

    • Groupthink is dysfunctional team-based decision making


    WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: After reading Chapter 11, please answer the following essay questions. You will be graded on the thoroughness of your responses. Please rewrite the question first (copy/paste) and then provide an answer.

    1. Why is an interdependent work group so important? How can interdependence avoid the pitfall of groupthink?

    2. There are several misconceptions about the managing of a diverse workforce. What are they?

    3. What is a "Trust Bank Account"? Why are its components and why are they important?
    4. What are the two fundamental goals of training? Explain in your own words the six key attitudes that provide the proper framework for effective training.


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