Adjuvant Chemotherapy

    Due Date
    Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:59 PM
    Points Possible

    Prepare a partial draft of your paper as a Word document and post here before midnight on 6/14. You must include the first two full pages of your paper as well as all documentation in order for me to provide a critique. Since you are using CSE citation-sequence style, you will have superscript notations for your in-text citations. The cited references at the end of the paper are listed in the order referenced in the text (i.e., not alphabetical order). This is why this style is called “citation-sequence.” Additional citations to the same source use the same number as its first citation. CSE citation-sequence style uses the phrase “Cited References” as the title for the list of sources (bibliography) at the end of the paper. Center the phrase “Cited References,” but do not use any other formatting—don’t bold, italicize, underline, or place in quotes.

    Due 6/14

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