Addressing the Dual Relationship Problem in Forensic and Correctional Practice

    Addressing the Dual Relationship Problem in Forensic and Correctional Practice

    Paper instructions:
    The article, “Addressing the Dual Relationship Problem in Forensic and Correctional Practice”, could ultimately show the tension and fine line between the professions of the mental health field and the correctional authorities involving the criminal justice system. Somehow Ward does explain the differences of the two, but ultimately crosses similarities that both professions take on as daily task.

    Ward explains that it is more so relevant to base our judgment upon our moral beliefs, because if not, there is an uprising of ethical conflicts that could be in limbo. I could easily see where the problem can underlie within the relational ethics and moral guidelines fall because so many of us exemplify different codes of morals but know the ethically “right” thing to do. Ward is addressing the overlapping roles of forensic psychologists and the correctional clinical psychologists duty by addressing in context every job role laying out the different expectations and dilemmas that occur within their responsibilities. The obligations do clash ethically and morally, but Ward offered some alternatives for these practices in his moral acquaintance procedure. These problems will always arise in the criminal justice field.


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