Actor analysis

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    A. Using one of the following “Required Viewing” films from the 1960s to the present,
    choose an actor or actress with a major role and discuss his/her use of the tools of the craft
    of Acting discussed in the ten class sessions.

    B. Using two of the following “Required Viewing” films from the 1960s to the 2000s,
    choose an actor or actress with a major role from each film and discuss their use of the
    tools of the craft of Acting discussed in the first five class sessions. How are their choices
    similar? How are their choices dissimilar?

    The Hustler
    The Crying Game
    12 Years a Slave

    At least three (3) acting skills/tools must be referenced (These tools must be different than
    the ones you discussed in your midterm). Discussion points might include presentational
    and representational acting, objectives, obstacles, actions (both verbal and physical),
    motivation, personalization, substitution, the “Magic If”, imagery, given circumstances,
    beats, relationships (both objective and subjective), ongoing physical activities, secondary
    activities, sending and receiving, emotional life, status, discovery in the moment, extreme
    physical and environmental conditions, heightened language, scenes of exposition,
    physical character work, subtext, character’s center of pain, endowment, the arc of a
    scene, character secrets, painting a picture with words, character private moments, and so

    You must reference examples of technique covered in the lectures and Uta Hagen’s
    “Respect for Acting” to support your arguments. You may also reference Harold Clurman’s
    “The Fervent Years.” In addition, you may address the specific political, sociological and 2
    economic issues of a particular decade and how you believe they may have influenced the
    actor’s (or actors’) choices in the film(s). Be specific and thorough in your observations,
    opinions and arguments. (Do not include long sections devoted to plot details in your
    paper. The Special Readers and the Instructor have seen these films – more than once!
    Instead, get directly to the specifics of your arguments).

    Your paper must be double-spaced, Cambria 12-point font, 1” margins and between four
    (4) and six (6) pages in length. If you have a Works Cited, it will not count for or against
    the length of your paper. Properly site any and all sources (MLA or Chicago style is

    Essay is submitted through turnitin so no plagiarism will be tolerated

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