“Activities of Shao Xinchen, Han Dynasty, before 33 B.C.E.”

    Original Title for your Paper


        Chapter 1 of Discovering the Global Past presents primary sources relating to the importance of water in early societies. Two of these sources, number 10 “Suetonius’s Description of the Water Projects Undertaken by Emperor Claudius (r. 41-54 C.E.)” and number 11 “Activities of Shao Xinchen, Han Dynasty, before 33 B.C.E.” specifically contrast different styles of political leadership revolving around water issues. Which man displays better leadership, Emperor Claudius or Shao Xinchen?  Use quotes from the reading to support your argument.

        Your paper should be three double-spaced pages in length, including Header and Works Cited. Standard font sizes should be used. Margins no greater than 1 inch, please.  Examples of the proper format for your Header and Works Cited sections appear on this handout. You MUST include in-text citations and a Bibliography listing all resources used. Any paper that does not include these elements will be returned unread.


    Examples of Format for Bibliographic Entries

        Aurelius, Marcus. “Meditations.” In Heritage of Western Civilizations. Ed. John L. Beatty and Oliver A. Johnson. Vol 1. 8th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1995. 212-220.

        Confucius. “The Analects.” In The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York. W.W. Norton & Company. 1997. 548-549.



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