Action research project

    Action research project
    You need to read chapter 5 (Action Research (2012) by Craig Mertler-edition 3)and try to apply that in my project ( examine and evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing educational games in the classroom to improve the learning capacities of elementary students)
    Then answer the below question. I provide my information in blue, so that will help you to great one clear cycle
    Then the important thing is that writing the test questions which I will use it to measure students’ understanding ( what numbers represent (numbers sense)) . to know if the game help them to improve their understanding or not.
    Review chapter 5. Action Research (2012) by Craig Mertler (edition 3).
    And answer questions:
    1. Clear statement of
    – Why your research is important to you
    Over the years, there have a rapid proliferation of electronic games, both video as well as computer, available to the learners and the learning environs. Electronic games can be applied to bolstering educational systems as well as readying learners for life after schooling (Vogel, Vogel, Cannon-Bowers, Bowers, Muse & Wright, 2006). They help boost tactical thinking, resolution of problems, responding to fast changes and formulation as well as execution of plans which are all high-order in nature (Ke & Grabowski, 2007). In addition to the skills the games can be used as practical tools in the delivery of instructions. Statistics shows that students tend to spend a lot of time playing the games (Trindade, Fiolhais & Almeida, 2002; Vogel et al, 2006).
    Therefore, some educators started to think of ways of utilizing the learners’ fondness of the games to employ educational electronic games that could aid in improving the students’ accomplishments (Baki, et al., 2008; Ke & Grabowski, 2007). In the usage of the games, the teachers often consider the facets of learning processes which are easily agreeable to the learning-approaches brought about by the games (Trindade, Fiolhais & Almeida, 2002; Tüzün, et al, 2008). They often are also involved in identifying and tailoring of the gaming features which would be effectively integrated in teaching or training (Vogel, et al, 2006).
    Significance of the study
    I am from Saudi Arabia. It is undisputable that the level of education in Saudi Arabia is still low as compared to other developing countries. For a long time, teachers as well as educational administrators have been trying to develop some ways that could help improve the learning among the students. It is clear that relying on the theoretical concepts alone may discourage the students from developing interest in learning. Involving electronic games in elementary school may help address this issue. Consequently, the findings from this study will be of great insights as to whether the electronic games can boost learning and interest of the students (summarize those two Paragraph in one paragraph)

    – Your research question
    Do Dreambox games improve problem solving skills among second grade students? the general questions
    More specific:
    Do Dreambox games improve number sense among second grade students? please improve it because the game improve numbers sense so I think this question is better.
    – Graphic showing the following Action Research phases: Base knowledge, Action that you will take, Expected results of the action
    Please Great graphic that show my project in one cycle of action research design and include(Base knowledge, Action that you will take, Expected results of the action)_see the picture in this file – you can change
    # See below I provided my literature review that will help you to know what my base knowledge
    2. Individuals that will be part of your work. Identify if you are waiting for IRB approval, (or if it is approved), seeking permission, doing reflective work that does not require permission

    . Individuals that will be part of my work are 2nd grade Franklin elementary school and Jill who is the teacher.
    I did not sent IRB approval yet. I need to know first what I have to do exactly.

    3. Identify the type of methods that you are using and provide a rationale for them. What data are you collecting?
    Quanitative method (pretest-protest design) In pretest, I will know where the students are?( Their understand what numbers represent ). Then I will let them play Dreambox games which is the a big theme through this game is the idea of numbers represent.
    After that I will do protest to know if the game help to improve their understand
    Why will this data help you answer your question? What ideas do you have about analyzing the data?
    Please answer this question
    4. Have questions ready to review in class (interview, questionnaire, test questions, etc.)
    Please read SmartBalanced assessments to help you write the test questions.
    Here is the Dreamegames linke . I believe that my name (manal) is under Franklin Foxes. Password picture is (bird )
    please after you read SmartBalanced assessments and look at the Dreambox games. Writ the test questions in one page. make an assessment by using the format of Dreambox.
    Literature of review
    There is a lot of literature on the positive and negative impacts of electronic games in education. The brightness of a student in class performance should be based on the ability of the student to integrate different learning methods of learning. Electronic games provide varied environments for students interaction when playing games and thus improving their performance. Students benefit from learning practically when paying games. Moreover, electronic games help to boost the imagination of students. This is helpful in improving creativity when learning. The stakeholders in education should realize that the aim of electronic games is not replacing other learning methods but rather to complement learning. In this case, electronic games provide detailed explanation to the student that is easy to comprehend. On the other hand, they also simplify a topic making it easy to understand. Therefore, electronic games are effective in complementing different learning methods among students.

    Additionally, electronic games play a major role in instilling internal motivation to students since they make learning fun. In turn, this may even attract school dropouts back to school. Students also obtain self-efficacy, determination, enthusiasm and commitment when they play games. When students play strategy-oriented games such as puzzles, they integrate the logic thinking gained when playing games into their learning in class. Since many games are time framed and have limited resources, students must learn to utilize the available time and resources to complete the game. In turn, this improves time and resource management among students. Moreover, games help to reduce boredom and monotony in classroom. Students engage in entertaining games thereby reducing boredom and monotony.

    My professor comment:
    I’ve been proding you to consider qualitative research because usually action reserach relies on qualitative methods. Reflexive processes usually are not present in quantitative research methods, although they can be present as researchers reflect on the results. As soon as you create the way you want to assess students’ problem solving skills (number sense). , we will be ready to submit an IRB. You need to send Jill an email describing what you want to do in her class. I do not think that you need to spend time with her students other than giving them the questions so that you can determin whether they measure problem solving skills(number sense). You should look at the released items for SmartBalanced assessments. There are no questions for 2nd grade, but they may provide you with some ideas of how to construct questions that measure problem solving( number sense).

    You can use same or similar to this graphic or you can make it in different way but you have to include
    Just focus on the dark green boxes.
    Don’t include the light green boxes.



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